Looking for a rifle for coyote hunting.

@KevinTN I can’t say much about the power of the .30 Evol outside of chronograph readings because I haven’t done much other than punch paper with one. With 50 grain pellets I shot 78 fpe consistently at around 840 fps. Here’s a video of the man responsible for engineering the gun (Tom Costan) hunting with it and @crosman999. Evol comes up around the 13:00 mark


A pass through is a pass through, as long as you get both lungs on a full pass through they can't run very far. A smaller bullet might have higher sectional density which means better penetration. Having ample power or overkill is prefered but sometime the environment may not be safe for so much power such as suburban settings. 

There has been so many discussion on humane FPE for squirrels with many suggesting 25 cal and 30 FPE because they are tough critters, while I found 7 FPE 177 pellet is more than plenty even with vital shots. Sure yotes are bigger but I'll go back to a pass through is a pass through whether it's from 50 FPE or 150 FPE. I've seen youtube idiots having hard time killing yotes with 223, they can blame the lowly 223 all they want but it's obvious the shooter is the issue. 

Sadly many hunters don't even understand/know why the double lung full pass through is the most humane shot on larger games. You don't really need that much power to get double lung pass through even if you hit a rib or 2, because it's mostly just air. Head shots do drop them quicker but target area is much smaller and chances for injuring the animal is much higher unless you practiced a lot and it doesn’t move. 
Hey Dana (Crosman999),

Since this thread went to the topic of an EVOL, I have a few questions you may know. I saw your video with Tom hunting and testing the EVOL .30 HPS version and I'm really wondering if or when this version will be available to purchase? I've been looking at a Slayer for years now, but this seems to be a better gun for my needs. 

Do you think it would be a more versatile gun than the Slayer? Do you know if if has a balanced valve, like the Slayer? Do you know what the HPS version has different than the regular Evol in .30? Example: Barrel, or magazine, Plenum, Regulator?

If you not allowed to talk about it yet, it cool I understand. Just trying to get info before everyone else.

Thanks, Nate 
IN ABOUT 2 MONTHS I WILL BE SHOPING FOR A NEW PCP FOR HUNTING COYOTES ( $ 600-800) Range.Would like everyone's opinion please. I do have a 25 cal Avenger I'm using for now ,using NSA 33.5 slugs that work on head shots . I'm looking at AEA guns but i have a funny feeling about them, maybe I'm wrong? I'm still very new to pcps. that's a 1/8 steel plate, the deep ones are from NSA29 grain slugs, OFF HAND AT 65 YARDS and yes i have shot and killed coyotes with this setup (head shots)

@Gunner616 After giving it some thought, I have watched several videos and read many posts on AEA guns. I was most impressed by what I read about the performance of the one in this thread by @airngasman. Keep in mind that he’s a long time competition shooter. https://www.airgunnation.com/topic/what-does-1-minute-of-accuracy-average-look-like/

.30 AEA Challenger Bullpup groups at 100 yards. 
Opgunner. Nice animal there, what distance and shot placement may I ask?

Thanks man!

140 yards, she was at the mouth of her den, easy headshot brother.

@ocpgunner95 140 yard head shot? Nice! Now I’m curious. What type of speed and energy is that .257 Texan producing? Have you ever chronographed any slugs shot out of it?
I posted early in tread. Shooting arsenal 257420 72g. @ 140 yds 130fpe. 

I really wish guys would stop posting grossly under caliber/power hunting examples. They never show all the animals they wound that die from sepsis or predation and people get the wrong impression. If you kill much of anything larger than a raccoon with a .177 it’s just pure luck of the shot. Raccoon and possum is where I stop at with .22 and a typical 30FPE

I dislike coyotes but a .22 Rimfire with high velocity is the least I use (I don’t have an 80 or so FPE air rifle).

There are other corners of the internet with people talking about shooting deer and hogs with .177 and it’s just not right. It’s so simple to just grab something with the proper power for the job.

I couldn't agree with you more!
covid-hunter LOL! Those are two completely different sets of numbers!

At half of the cost of not less…..maybe we should switch hobby. LOL

If I my own farm and my animals were getting harassed by coyote, I would blast them with whatever worked best and easiest. I don't have a farm. Also, I don't like my shoulder hurting, my ears ringing, and the threat of a 2,300fps bullet travelling a mile after it passed through a coyote. (Or, even after a ground ricochet.) I'd rather stick to an airguns. Plus, they are challenge too.
Hey Dana (Crosman999),

Since this thread went to the topic of an EVOL, I have a few questions you may know. I saw your video with Tom hunting and testing the EVOL .30 HPS version and I'm really wondering if or when this version will be available to purchase? I've been looking at a Slayer for years now, but this seems to be a better gun for my needs. 

Do you think it would be a more versatile gun than the Slayer? Do you know if if has a balanced valve, like the Slayer? Do you know what the HPS version has different than the regular Evol in .30? Example: Barrel, or magazine, Plenum, Regulator?

If you not allowed to talk about it yet, it cool I understand. Just trying to get info before everyone else.

Thanks, Nate

Hi Nate,

I'm happy to share the information I have but feel it would be best in a different thread. I feel bad adding to this thread moving away from OP's original inquiries. Later in the week I plan to make a thread discussing the differences and can see if Tom can include himself. Cheers 
covid-hunter LOL! Those are two completely different sets of numbers!

At half of the cost of not less…..maybe we should switch hobby. LOL

If I my own farm and my animals were getting harassed by coyote, I would blast them with whatever worked best and easiest. I don't have a farm. Also, I don't like my shoulder hurting, my ears ringing, and the threat of a 2,300fps bullet travelling a mile after it passed through a coyote. (Or, even after a ground ricochet.) I'd rather stick to an airguns. Plus, they are challenge too.

i was kidding! Completely agree with you on PB, I simply don’t have much interest in them per many reasons you listed and more.