Im looking to get a pcp pistol that is accurate, will not break the bank and will knock over chickens and pigs at 40 and 50 yards. Animals are half scale. Any suggestions that I can look into? Thank you.
Hello and welcome to our wonderful forum and family. Just for clarification can you confirm what size silhouette targets you are shooting. You stated 1/2 scale. The typical air gun silhouettes are 1/10 scale and rimfire are usually 1/5 scale. 1/2 scale would be very large for an air pistol to knock over.Im looking to get a pcp pistol that is accurate, will not break the bank and will knock over chickens and pigs at 40 and 50 yards. Animals are half scale. Any suggestions that I can look into? Thank you.
1/2 scale ?Im looking to get a pcp pistol that is accurate, will not break the bank and will knock over chickens and pigs at 40 and 50 yards. Animals are half scale. Any suggestions that I can look into? Thank you.
I respect your input, its probably fact that a pistol will not be able to knock over a 1/2 scale ram at 100 yards, and thats fine. I don't see any issues with knocking over chickens and pigs at 40 and 50 yards. Ive done it before in compitition with my Marauder. So, It might be true that what I'm asking for in a pcp pistol might not be double. thanks again.Like many newbie posts soliciting advice for airguns, what you're asking about doesn't exist. But unlike other newbie posts soliciting advice for airguns, what you're asking about never will exist.
The largest silhouettes you could hope to knock over with any air pistol are 1/5 scale, and such an air pistol doesn't meet your other criteria. All recommendations above either didn't read your post closely enough, or know nothing about silhouette shooting.