N/A Looking for advice on light airguns

Not really worried about price or performance just something lighter so it’s more comfortable to carry and shoot while standing
Vulcan 3 500.

For the price you may not buy anything better, considering everything:

- reliability
- long lasting
- you get two magazines
- will shoot equally perfect pellets and slugs

Just unbeatable !!!
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Though I like my Ghost Carbine, it is not a light gun…

Not really worried about price or performance just something lighter so it’s more comfortable to carry and shoot while standing
There will be many PCPs that will meet the light and comfortable criteria, the high build quality and performance part is a bit more complicated. I’ve owned less expensive lighter PCPs. For example an Artemis pp700sa and a Reximex RP among others. The pp700sa being the best of the two but a single shot platform… It killed hundreds of rats for me. But once I got my mitts on and Atomic XR, I never looked back. Three years later? It is still my primary short range, sub 50 yards pester. Next up would be my Pathfinder XR, just a tad heavier, but more power and higher shot count. My Ghost Carbine with a 6-24x50 scope atop is portly in comparison… I can somewhat understand you’re not worried about price? But performance?… You would be better served by the AGN community is you elaborate a bit on how ”you“ intend to use this lighter PCP. Hunting, pesting, simply plinking, etc…? Otherwise? Any low power air pistol would do in regard to your quoted response above…🙏
Though I like my Ghost Carbine, it is not a light gun…

When I got the chance to handle and shoot the first Ghost to come into the U.S. (before they were available for sale), my very first impression upon picking it up was "Man, that's heavy". Truth be told, I meant for its length.

Considering weight and length were mentioned in the original post of this thread, and the OP's screen name suggest they may be of small(ish) stature, apparently some folks not only hear what they want to hear, but read what they want to read.