I'm looking for some .22 cal slugs in a variety of diameters to find what my gun likes. I've tried a few available through Amazon because their return policy is amazing but there is not much variety in the diameters, and the ones I've used are all over the place accuracy wise.
NSA does not sell a sampler pack of their different diameters and weights and I'm not looking to spend $17+ dollars on a pack of 200 just to find out they don't work well in my rifle and then I'm sitting on multiple packs of unusable or undesirable slugs for my use case.
NSA does not sell a sampler pack of their different diameters and weights and I'm not looking to spend $17+ dollars on a pack of 200 just to find out they don't work well in my rifle and then I'm sitting on multiple packs of unusable or undesirable slugs for my use case.