N/A Looking for some help here

Hey guys it's been awhile. Yes I'm good just been taking a break again like the last few winters. This one has been very hard weather wise on us for the dairy but we're hanging on.

Anyways at a New Years party the other day I had 2 people asking about airguns. They wanted my opinion on what would be a good gun in the $1000-$1500 range to get into. Something just to shoot and not need to mess around with.

Obviously I'm biased and think Taipan. But I'd love some other options out there in that price range that are solid and dependable. Anything new come out recently? I don't think they'd want used even though I mentioned it's a big savings over new usually.
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Bullpups aren't for everyone, but the taipan is creme of the crop for those.

Otherwise, I'd suggest a huntsman revere. Out of the box PERFECTION.
Good suggestion I forgot about those. Yeah I want a list of probably 6 to choose from in all different forms to suit what they would like.
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FX DRS Classic, solid simple design. Easy to setup. It can be setup to shoot pellets or slugs.
Rifles with a 700mm barrel come with slug liners and SHP plenum to shoot slugs if thats what you like to shoot.
Both of my DRS rifles are extremely accurate !

Bullpups aren't for everyone, but the taipan is creme of the crop for those.

Otherwise, I'd suggest a huntsman revere. Out of the box PERFECTION.
+1 on this suggestion!
Also a second hand HW100 would fit the bill. Well built and superbly accurate!
My vote would be for a Daystate Regal, especially at the current sale prices at AoA. Absolutely well-built, reliable and accurate. There is not a lot to mess with, so very little to go wrong.
The unregulated are going for 900 new. That's a friggin steal! Drop in your own Huma if you need and save big.