Losing interest?

Seems like others, including myself, aren't posting as much lately.

I've kind fallen off the last few weeks for various reasons, but a lot of topics just don't seem as interesting anymore. Old hat I guess.

It's also lead into me not tinkering or shooting as much either. The hot weather hasn't helped, and I've been busy with side jobs on the weekends that take up most of my time.

I just can't seem to get in the groove like I used too, and not much is getting me excited either. I've ran out of guns I want to buy or could afford, and I've got enough to cover the shooting I need.

Oh well, I guess the bright side is I'm not wasting pellets or splatter targets!
Seems like others, including myself, aren't posting as much lately.

I've kind fallen off the last few weeks for various reasons, but a lot of topics just don't seem as interesting anymore. Old hat I guess.

It's also lead into me not tinkering or shooting as much either. The hot weather hasn't helped, and I've been busy with side jobs on the weekends that take up most of my time.

I just can't seem to get in the groove like I used too, and not much is getting me excited either. I've ran out of guns I want to buy or could afford, and I've got enough to cover the shooting I need.

Oh well, I guess the bright side is I'm not wasting pellets or splatter targets!
I think this isn't so much or a bad thing honestly. It's entirely too hot outside and you got holidays coming right around the corner.
Depends on what is going on...being as school is back in session my kids are playing sports....daughter is in soccer Tuesdays and Thursdays, my son is shooting trap on Thursday and Wednesday is church and conformation. Then weekends are for house up keep and work.

And now that fall is in full swing deer season has started, and I will start spending more time in my deer stand.
Seems like others, including myself, aren't posting as much lately.

I've kind fallen off the last few weeks for various reasons, but a lot of topics just don't seem as interesting anymore. Old hat I guess.

It's also lead into me not tinkering or shooting as much either. The hot weather hasn't helped, and I've been busy with side jobs on the weekends that take up most of my time.

I just can't seem to get in the groove like I used too, and not much is getting me excited either. I've ran out of guns I want to buy or could afford, and I've got enough to cover the shooting I need.

Oh well, I guess the bright side is I'm not wasting pellets or splatter targets!
Hello @Dr. Kralenstein

I think everybody goes through some phases about their sports / hobbies from time to time. I have been enjoying shooting pb's, air guns and the like every since I was 6-years old and at 83 still enjoy it the same. Hopefully a really nice cool Fall day will get you back into the spirit :love:

Seems like others, including myself, aren't posting as much lately.

I've kind fallen off the last few weeks for various reasons, but a lot of topics just don't seem as interesting anymore. Old hat I guess.

It's also lead into me not tinkering or shooting as much either. The hot weather hasn't helped, and I've been busy with side jobs on the weekends that take up most of my time.

I just can't seem to get in the groove like I used too, and not much is getting me excited either. I've ran out of guns I want to buy or could afford, and I've got enough to cover the shooting I need.

Oh well, I guess the bright side is I'm not wasting pellets or splatter targets!

You just need a steaming bowl of ground squirrel stew ol' Zeke is serving. That'll stimulate your pellet organ and flatten out your beta waves. Then you will be in the mood.

Seriously. It's that time of the year just before the harvest. Men experience a change in chemistry. It's hardwired in our genetic code as another year matures and turns brown. The odd chromosome gets tired of standing on one leg and just gives up for a few weeks. Its natures way to prepare us for the hunt.

As soon as the air changes to fall that one legged chromosome starts dancing again. The seasons are reborn and our lust for killing will return.
All good points and advice given. I have a lot to say but 90% would be political and get this thread locked.

I think many of us have caught onto the constant rising costs and little to no parts available. Are most of us tired of being bilked out of our hard earned cash yet?

Too much to do and not enough time to do it all. The days are getting shorter as fall and winter is upon us. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday is our final baseball tournament then Friday I'll be back into my hockey gear and trash talking the defending team. :love::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Just awaiting Mr Grey

I have noticed that some of the YouTube content providers are not posting much anymore. I feel like the sport peaked during the pandemic ( when I got into it ) and is dropping off now. Seems to be many more people selling off their high end airguns on the big auction site and if you look at the retailers they have a lot more used guns for sale. Monthly test and giveaways are gone ( at least I have not seen them ).

I am definitely going to stay with it but I do flnd myself wanting to reduce the collection to just a few good ones insread of the 14 pcp’s I have.
i haven’t been as active due to work. i think i need to start on building my 1322 up. getting the notos really made me pause everything.
the forum does have a lot of good reading but most of it doesn’t really apply to what i have on hand and the classifieds have a lot of overpriced items or items i generally don’t have an interest in. the forums still alive.. just in its metaphorical food coma stage.
Rather Numb of late with all the politics, war or future Bigger wars abroad, local violence and too many folks just being abrasive if differing in viewpoints or opinions.

BIG SIGH ... it too shall pass :cautious:
i have cured the numbness of all that . I just do not listen or watch the news . The news has gotten to broad for me / example " why should i know all about a car crash 1100 miles from me ? i do look at the local news here in KY .