Little bit of irony here…
For me, a big part of any hobby is “the hunt.” That agonizing time where you troll and troll for the exact part or piece you’re looking for, or that unexpected something that grabs your attention at too good a deal to pass up. It’s easy to kill time trolling forums, but to actually go shoot takes energy, time, money, etc. That can all kind of burn you out sometimes.
But I find pushing through that initial “wall” of resistance opens up to some real enjoyment of the things you have, and that part’s a lot of fun!
As others have noted, ebbs and flows are normal. I, too, used to ride a motorcycle dang near daily. But it reached a crescendo when I was riding back and forth between work (outside), school, flight training (essentially outside), home, etc. in the AZ heat for the 12th year in a row, and I took advantage of the “shutdown” during Covid to take a break, and I’ve nust never fully recovered. I still have a bike, but it needs work that I don’t have the time or energy for with everything else going on in my life. Someday that’ll change and I’ll circle back around, much the same way I do with all my hobbies. I’m sure it’ll be the same for everyone else, just give it time.