Losing interest?

Very nice! I did the whole home gym thing over a decade ago and couldn't be happier. No more being asked if someone can work in on my sets when they clearly can't lift as heavy as me lol. Or waiting on a bench, machine, set of DBs. Plus, the kitchen is right upstairs so I can eat immediately after!

With the advent of social media and all the gym idiots, I'm so glad I don't go to a commercial gym now. I'd lose my $hit if someone bitched that I walked through their video lol.

Now it's time to go deadlift!
Isn't it awesome, I can just roll out of bed, workout, then feed my face. No more wasting 45+ minutes back and forth, and no more idiots sitting around on their phones instead of working out, or recording themselves constantly.
sitting around on their phones instead of working out, or recording themselves constantly.
I personally look at smartphones as a decease, or at best a addiction, and i am amazed by all the people t hat cant even put it in the pocket, but have to carry it in hand ready for action.
I am looking forward to when i no longer have to carry the one i have ATM, CUZ i do not have it for myself, it is solely there for my dear old mother.

Never liked Gyms or the people there, but when i was in my mid 20ties i did go with friends for a few years, and wasted my time CUZ was not at all able to gain weight back then.
And when you work out with guys 2 X your size ( literally ) well it do get a bit boring, though i could easy beat them in leg exercises and also dead lift weights they did not belive skeleton in skin sack me could lift.
CUZ i was pretty active back then, and they was large dead beats.
Seems like others, including myself, aren't posting as much lately.

I've kind fallen off the last few weeks for various reasons, but a lot of topics just don't seem as interesting anymore. Old hat I guess.

It's also lead into me not tinkering or shooting as much either. The hot weather hasn't helped, and I've been busy with side jobs on the weekends that take up most of my time.

I just can't seem to get in the groove like I used too, and not much is getting me excited either. I've ran out of guns I want to buy or could afford, and I've got enough to cover the shooting I need.

Oh well, I guess the bright side is I'm not wasting pellets or splatter targets!
Hey Doc
Maybe you need to find a gun-pic website to keep the spark alive
Try it out, take 2 aspirin, and call me in the morning
This completely caught me off guard when I retired. So I went back to work on a slightly part time basis. Now the procrastination is mostly under control again. I will try full retirement again when I feel I can handle it.
Your Retired , do what you feel like at the time . I very rarely plan anything daily , just wake up and do whatever comes to mind .
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Seems like others, including myself, aren't posting as much lately.

I've kind fallen off the last few weeks for various reasons, but a lot of topics just don't seem as interesting anymore. Old hat I guess.

It's also lead into me not tinkering or shooting as much either. The hot weather hasn't helped, and I've been busy with side jobs on the weekends that take up most of my time.

I just can't seem to get in the groove like I used too, and not much is getting me excited either. I've ran out of guns I want to buy or could afford, and I've got enough to cover the shooting I need.

Oh well, I guess the bright side is I'm not wasting pellets or splatter targets!
For me it has been family matters as a sister passed away, and the rest of us have been spending quite a bit time together.
Work at home, and at work has been crazy dealing with storm preparation and clean up etc.
Then when I have pulled a gun out it's a steam bath out side, I had to add a hair dryer to my shooting bench to deal with sweating guns and scope lenses. Half of the shoots that i have had have been on the Red Ryders with the grandkids lately.
Rather Numb of late with all the politics, war or future Bigger wars abroad, local violence and too many folks just being abrasive if differing in viewpoints or opinions.

BIG SIGH ... it too shall pass :cautious:
Turn off the news! You can't do anything about it so why watch?
For me it has been family matters as a sister passed away, and the rest of us have been spending quite a bit time together.
Work at home, and at work has been crazy dealing with storm preparation and clean up etc.
Then when I have pulled a gun out it's a steam bath out side, I had to add a hair dryer to my shooting bench to deal with sweating guns and scope lenses. Half of the shoots that i have had have been on the Red Ryders with the grandkids lately.
I have a cheap box fan , carry the gun out first sitting in line with the fan then carry the rests and targets /tape out, then walk out and put up targets , by then the gun /scope has acclimatized and the fan works on me and the gun the rest of the time .
The high was in the mid 80s today. Shot the dinosaurs to pieces with the Hatsan then shot the pieces with the HW. We were out until it was too dark to see the targets. It's about 75 degrees on a high desert evening and it's time for tacos and beer.

Damn I'm glad it's finally cooling off. It's been a rough summer. I'm going to focus on enjoying the next few months.
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As for me, can't say losing interest as much as I get bored with it after a while. I have nobody to shoot airguns with anywhere close to me, seems none of my buddies are even as interested like I am. I have 9 pcp airguns and LOADS of pellets/slugs to shoot but nobody to shoot WITH.....
I end up with the radio playing and talking to myself a lot during my shooting sessions, which might last 2-4 hours, depending on weather.
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I'm not loosing interest, I just have nothing to shoot. Western Wa is devoid of game. All the daries are 3 hours away and my shooting range is 1 1/2 hours away. I am driving 3 hours to my daries in the morning but that is getting real old. No one is interested in going with me. I have a short 20 yard range on the side of my house to zero and chrono.
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