I personally look at smartphones as a decease, or at best a addiction, and i am amazed by all the people t hat cant even put it in the pocket, but have to carry it in hand ready for action.
I am looking forward to when i no longer have to carry the one i have ATM, CUZ i do not have it for myself, it is solely there for my dear old mother.

Never liked Gyms or the people there, but when i was in my mid 20ties i did go with friends for a few years, and wasted my time CUZ was not at all able to gain weight back then.
And when you work out with guys 2 X your size ( literally ) well it do get a bit boring, though i could easy beat them in leg exercises and also dead lift weights they did not belive skeleton in skin sack me could lift.
CUZ i was pretty active back then, and they was large dead beats.

Freaking daisy cutters that's a BEAUTIFUL canon! 🤗
I've been riding since I was pre-teen, bought my first sportbike in 1989, a 600cc Ninja and still riding. I used to ride in any weather, well almost. When I was living in Wisconsin as long as it was above 40 degrees I'd take it out. Now still love it but more picky about the weather I ride in lol...Been shooting since I was 10. Same thing, before I'd shoot anytime anywhere but this past summer when it was 112+ degrees I took a pass. The one hobby I never get tired of and whether rain or shine, 110+ degrees or -20 degrees, the one hobby I never get bored of and can never get enough of is SEX!
For me it has been family matters as a sister passed away, and the rest of us have been spending quite a bit time together.
Work at home, and at work has been crazy dealing with storm preparation and clean up etc.
Then when I have pulled a gun out it's a steam bath out side, I had to add a hair dryer to my shooting bench to deal with sweating guns and scope lenses. Half of the shoots that i have had have been on the Red Ryders with the grandkids lately.
you can build this at very low cost , a garage sale cooler or Styrofoam one and for ice milk bottles frozen in your freezer . vid is for idea only .

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I'm not loosing interest, I just have nothing to shoot. Western Wa is devoid of game. All the daries are 3 hours away and my shooting range is 1 1/2 hours away. I am driving 3 hours to my daries in the morning but that is getting real old. No one is interested in going with me. I have a short 20 yard range on the side of my house to zero and chrono.
I mostly shoot @ 20 yards , know your limits target is a real challenge . and easy to DIY
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