A friend of mine shoots PB's . He took the dog along and shot the .22 one time and put the gun down flat on the ground with a cookie close but not touching and just walked away and watched . his dog circled once , stood over the cookie and sniffed then gobbled down the cookie .
Good thing it didn't mark it's territory instead!
I have gone a week with out shooting but i spend way to much time here on AGN .
I've been lurking more than posting lately. It was almost 3 weeks I hadn't shot anything til last weekend when the Revere came out for 2 tree rats in the yard.
Its been several things for me. Play money versus cost of living keeps increasing is tops. Had some less that favorable experiences here on AN classifieds recently has left me in a state of MEH. Kind of feel like I've sorted out what works for me which has also narrowed my focus of interest a lot.

Little bit of irony here… :ROFLMAO:

For me, a big part of any hobby is “the hunt.” That agonizing time where you troll and troll for the exact part or piece you’re looking for, or that unexpected something that grabs your attention at too good a deal to pass up. It’s easy to kill time trolling forums, but to actually go shoot takes energy, time, money, etc. That can all kind of burn you out sometimes.

But I find pushing through that initial “wall” of resistance opens up to some real enjoyment of the things you have, and that part’s a lot of fun!

As others have noted, ebbs and flows are normal. I, too, used to ride a motorcycle dang near daily. But it reached a crescendo when I was riding back and forth between work (outside), school, flight training (essentially outside), home, etc. in the AZ heat for the 12th year in a row, and I took advantage of the “shutdown” during Covid to take a break, and I’ve nust never fully recovered. I still have a bike, but it needs work that I don’t have the time or energy for with everything else going on in my life. Someday that’ll change and I’ll circle back around, much the same way I do with all my hobbies. I’m sure it’ll be the same for everyone else, just give it time. :)
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I hit that 2 years ago hard and took a 5 month break during winter. Once spring came I couldn't wait to get back to shooting. Also took a break from forums during that time. It was good for me after 6 years in this hobby very seriously. I took a break last winter also for about 4 months. I plan on doing the same this year. Plus between work and kids life's just busy. When it's light for long parts of the day I have no issue but when I'm working well before it's light and come home after dark in winter and freezing I don't feel like shooting. I also save way more money not being on the forums in that time span lol. I've also hit the point where gun wise im covered in all ways I can need one so I don't have interest in anything new. My guns are all tuned as needed so no need to tinker. I do have a NV scope not though so I will try that out in late fall and winter when I have plenty of time in the dark when I feel up to it.
I can’t remember who posted it, Maybe Vetmx, but I don’t have enough interest to go back and look, but mostly what you see here is rehashed info and questions. I basically lurk here anymore. I am not upset about anything that goes on here and nobody has managed to irritate me. The shine just kind of comes off the paint when you are seeing the same stuff over and over.
As for shooting, it runs in waves for me. My business is seasonal and when season is on shooting takes a back seat to business. Then there is weather. When I first got into this hot weather didn’t slow me down and windy days were just something else to learn about. Now if it is over 90 i ain’t shooting and if the wind is more than about 15 MPH I won’t drag a gun out.
I can’t remember who posted it, Maybe Vetmx, but I don’t have enough interest to go back and look, but mostly what you see here is rehashed info and questions. I basically lurk here anymore. I am not upset about anything that goes on here and nobody has managed to irritate me. The shine just kind of comes off the paint when you are seeing the same stuff over and over.
As for shooting, it runs in waves for me. My business is seasonal and when season is on shooting takes a back seat to business. Then there is weather. When I first got into this hot weather didn’t slow me down and windy days were just something else to learn about. Now if it is over 90 i ain’t shooting and if the wind is more than about 15 MPH I won’t drag a gun out.
I completely agree. As far as wind goes, I won’t even shoot if it’s over 4mph. A 15mph wind in Pennsylvania will rip your truck door out of your hand. If you’re shooting in that, you’re still dedicated enough to not be considered burnt out. I’ve also noticed the older I get, the more I hate to shoot in heat also.
AG shooting is my therapy. I don’t have to think about my high stress job or my personal life stuff. I watch TV once a week (I’m a nascar fan, F1 just doesn’t have enough parity anymore)
Even if it’s only a few shots, it’s my time not to think about everything else. It’s good for my brain.

Coming up with different challenges or objectives is always there. I just started 20y off hand and want to improve that.
I wax and wane with my shooting hobby. But, once I get to the range and do some shooting, I get motivated again. When I shoot, I forget about all the BS in the world, and concentrate on on shooting the smallest group I can. Afterwards, I always feel better. I also reload PB's so this shooting hobby has many facets. Lately, I have stopped buying stuff and just trying to get better with what I have. Saves me money and I get to concentrate on the guns I have.
I completely agree. As far as wind goes, I won’t even shoot if it’s over 4mph. A 15mph wind in Pennsylvania will rip your truck door out of your hand. If you’re shooting in that, you’re still dedicated enough to not be considered burnt out. I’ve also noticed the older I get, the more I hate to shoot in heat also.

If I had a shed with AC and targets that picked themselves up after a session I may consider it. I tried late evenings at the ranch we manage. mosquitos the size of quail and every one of them eligible for United Nations relief.
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I am that way with my Paradigm currently Mike. I keep going back and forth with selling or trading it off. I just haven't shot it for a while and have been moving to different things. But the rifle is so damn nice that I know I will have a hard time selling it, but I also fight with the urge of getting something else.

There are weeks that I wont shoot, and then there are weeks I will go through a few tins at a time. Really depends on what is going on and how I am feeling.
You hit it pretty hard after your judgement came through and bought some pretty decent airguns in a short amount of time. So it is expected to take a little time off to enjoy those. I to find myself posting less and reading more. Currently waiting on my lube to arrive so I can get my R9 back up and running after a Macarri spring tune. Something I haven't messed with in a while. Plus bow season just started so there is a new focus for the next few months while waiting for the cooler weather to kick in. We need to find a weekend to do some squirrel hunting and just enjoy the woods.