I too have no idea why Taipan got rid of the Shorts. Hell really they got rid of the Standards too. The new 550mm are the same length as the original Longs. I'd love a shorter one but oh well. Apparently the Shorts never sold well which seems crazy to me. I have access to one if my Brother in law ever wants a different gun thankfully.
I bet that gun is very quiet at that power!
Yes you're right, Taipan basically discontinued the shorter guns and started with the Long size now only getting longer from there. The Compact might generally be not popular but I think many people will actually like the size of it if they've had the chance to see it in person and actually get the chance to use one. I'm one such person. I think the size and looks are just awesome.
I finally got the chance to shoot the rifle tonight outside of just chronograph testings inside my enclosed gun room so I now have a better idea of the gun's loudness. I'm not going to over exaggerate and use terms such as "mouse fart quiet" or "I thought the gun was broken". It is still a 25 FPE gun after all. Having said that, it is noticeably quieter than my Veteran Long in .22 tuned to 32 FPE. It is also quieter than the Veteran Standard in .22 tuned to 27 FPE. With the 30+ FPE .22 caliber Taipan rifles, I always have to wear hearing protection whenever I shoot more than 5 or 10 shots in a session from inside a window because it really hurts my ears and I get a major headache afterwards. No such issues with the Compact... and I shot waaaay more than just 10 shots tonight. The sound of the Compact at this power tune is so smooth. The best way I can describe it is a hollow tube "thump" sound letting you know that a projectile has been blown out of the barrel.
I've also gotten a better idea of the shot count estimates. Based on all the shots I did tonight, it is giving me a calculated estimate of 83 shots from a full 250 bar fill.
The tune also has a great shot to shot consistency. Although I have not done an actual one session shot string, every time I chronograph at the muzzle, it's always been around 674 FPS or 675FPS. The highest I've seen it is 684 FPS when the rifle has sat unused for 16 hours. This is why I really take my time with the tuning because as a standby varmint rifle, that first "cold barrel" shot is really important to me.
I also chronographed the gun at 32 meters and it's giving me a pressure corrected BC of 0.042 for the JSB King 25.39gr.
So far, I'm really happy with how this "low power" venture is turning out to be... The quietness and smoothness of the shot cycle, the high number of shots per fill, the shot to shot consistency, and the size, weight, and overall appearance of the rifle all seem quite awesome!