Yes, Mike, I believe
I should — and I do....

No kidding.
It's totally OK if you choose not to.
➧ There are
many ways to get a car from point A to point B —
➧ just like there are
many ways to get a projectile from the gun to the target.
I just happen to have a personal preference for
So, flooring the accelerator is a standard mode of operation when I drive a car.
And when I shoot a gun — well, I'm still working on the tuning thing, got to learn a lot still, but this is what I've come up with so far:
● I got the
16"-short PP700 pistol up to
16FPE (667fps with 15.89gr). With a Sumo on the neighbors know nothing.
● The
26"-short RTI Prophet II Compact .25cal moves the Heavies and the ATP slugs at
■ Now, before you shoot me, or rifle-butt me, I freely admit

I'm too new to airgunning to get off the high power train just yet. — Ask me in 5 or 10 years.... and I might sound like the rest of the posters on this thread.
■ Also, being 100% German, you folks have Americanized me much too effectively as to not believe in
one of the most beautiful lies taught by American culture: "Bigger is Better!"
Yes, why, it's true, I actually
have been looking at
9mm airguns lately. What gave me away?