Lower receiver

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Anyone able to tell what this lower fits, forgot?


Do NOT conflate AIRGUNS with FIREARMS!

This post is highly suspicious for a number of reasons.

First post of a brand new member with no follow-up activity.

Dangerous topic (see first line above) - on the order of the 3(or4) Letter Agency fishing for idiots to build their case against the hobby.

Highly doubtful that any legitimate airgunner would buy a part and "forget" what it goes to.
It’s a lower receiver for a replica M4/M16 AEG (Automatic Electric Gun). The boss for the buffer tube is the giveaway that it is for an electrically cycled airsoft gun. There are also GBB (Gas Blow Back) M4/M16 replica airsoft guns where the receiver is harder to distinguish from a real M4/MM16 style rifle, but the dimensions for both the AEG and GBB replicas are purposely different enough so that critical parts are not interchangeable with the real deal.
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