FX M4 .177 issues ahhhh!!

So I chopped the POI shifting to high winds day to day here sense I got my gun back from warranty. The accuracy is changing between shoots 1 to 1 1/2 mils left to right and 1/2 to 1 mil low or high. I've not touched guns settings sense I've gotten it back! Tomorrow Im doing full chronograph number and trying different scope. Scope now is element optics helix.
Calling utah to getting warranty started. Starting to hate my decision on m4 .177 route. Probably get a lot of haters on FX owners but doesn't change my mind on FX being the best hunting rigs. I'm not a paper shooter so 1 hole groups aren't my goal at all.
Avoid the M4 in .177 anyone looking to buy new. Yes there are people going to cry out and say it's a tuning gun it meant to be adjusted and messed with and I'd respond shut up its a new gun. At least perform out the box before tuning to my individual need's. Hate to bail on the M4 but it might be time!
Nope she's a virgin gun never messed with the gun at all. It went back to utah for reg creep and hoping this isn't the same thing. I don't have these nice chronograph that's on the market. So I'll have to wait till morning for numbers. But even taken scope off to take that factory out as well. Im trying to take all my variables on my end. Even opened new cans of pellets.
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Interesting… I can tell you I have zero poi shift issues with .22 and .25 (both 700mm) with CF sleeve. Had other issues (of course, it’s an impact after all) but they could be resolved with other mods. Now it seems it developed a slow leak, loosing 5ish bar every 24h… not sure where, doesn’t seem to be through the barrel though. Will chase it down one of these days I guess.
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I mean you are a hunter not a paper shooter why choose 177 in the first place? I don’t get that. Yeah I agree this platform (impact) has too many issues for a hunting gun.
Fx impact was design for the hunter in mind. It was picked up and honed into a precision bench shooter. I can do anything with .177 within 80 yards that any other Caliber can achieve in the small game im shooting. Shot count is outrageous high as well.
Fx impact was design for the hunter in mind. It was picked up and honed into a precision bench shooter. I can do anything with .177 within 80 yards that any other Caliber can achieve in the small game im shooting. Shot count is outrageous high as well.
177 is affected by wind more than larger calibers and a high shot count isn't usually necessary for hunting. I stopped shooting 177 because of the POI shifts from wind. Even the heavier pellets/slugs are weighing in at the lower end of 22 ammo.
Get a RAW OR Daystate instead. If you want a RAW, you'll have to get it custom made since Air Force only offers .177 cal rifles in the single shot target versions. Contact Martin Rutterford at airguns-usa.com. He built my HM1000x and it shoots great. A mini might be a better option for you if you want something shorter.
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177 is affected by wind more than larger calibers and a high shot count isn't usually necessary for hunting. I stopped shooting 177 because of the POI shifts from wind. Even the heavier pellets/slugs are weighing in at the lower end of 22 ammo.
Well agree about winds but I've never been a situation to shoot squirrel where there aren't large structure. Cutting the wind effect down significantly
don't really get what your complaining about..you posted a month ago a tree rat kill that was impressive and next I see your gun for sale on the classifieds..just all strange to me.
That's strange in the world of airgunners? Can't explain half the gun's I've traded or sold that where amazing. This was mainly a public place to say stay away from the .177 or be careful. My dreanline in .177 is amazing gun.
177 is affected by wind more than larger calibers and a high shot count isn't usually necessary for hunting. I stopped shooting 177 because of the POI shifts from wind. Even the heavier pellets/slugs are weighing in at the lower end of 22 ammo.
The .177s will destabilize at the higher velocities quicker!
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I have a fx impact mk2 in a 25 compact. I have done or had someone work on the gun to deal with that poi shift issue. It's a very accurate gun but I don't trust it for hunting. Because I don't know where it will be that day. So I don't hunt with it until I can shoot it that day. I will keep the gun because it's accurate and fun to shoot off the bench at targets but I will never own another FX gun that uses their liner system. I always wanted an impact because I thought they were a great looking gun and everyone talked them up. Some people love him some people hate him some people say they never work on their gun and that's fine. But after throwing lots of money at something I don't trust I personally will never own another FX liner gun. Not knocking people that like him to each his own but there are in my opinion more guns that are far more dependable for what I need. Like I said mine's fun to shoot and it's accurate.