FX M4 .177 issues ahhhh!!

177 is affected by wind more than larger calibers and a high shot count isn't usually necessary for hunting. I stopped shooting 177 because of the POI shifts from wind. Even the heavier pellets/slugs are weighing in at the lower end of 22 ammo.
My RAW HM1000x shoots Zan 13.4 gr slugs at 1010 fps and is affected by wind no more than larger calibers.
Agreed but 45-50 yards is not acceptable
Agreed that shouldn't cause poi shifts at a given range, but I have seen destabilization introduce a spiral that was repeatable so that you would only spot the poi shift when you changed range. This was documented by Ted of Ted's Holdover fame.
It was so repeatable that he was shooting groups at long range even though the pellets were in a significant visible spiral.
There is no such thing as an FX Factory tune for an Impact.

The Impact, fresh out of the box, was never intended to accurately shoot any specific pellet or all pellets of the bore's caliber.

Here we go. Read original post before posting this generic comment. Your entitled to your response/opinion but at least read the topic and discussion. Its irregular in the FPS causing POI changing from Utah.
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Here we go. Read original post before posting this generic comment. Your entitled to your response/opinion but at least read the topic and discussion. Its irregular in the FPS causing POI changing from Utah.
I apologize for reading your intial post #1 verbatim.

1. In that post you did not mention nor list shot velocities.

2. You state that it should perform out of the box before being tuned to your need.

Again, I apologize for reading your post #1 verbatim.
I apologize for reading your intial post #1 verbatim.

1. In that post you did not mention nor list shot velocities.

2. You state that it should perform out of the box before being tuned to your need.

Again, I apologize for reading your post #1 verbatim.
I apologize if it came off rude. I'm feed up with this process and the gun is on its way back now. I do not mean ill will towards you or anyone. Just a 2k problem ATM and its hunting season!
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My biggest problem with FX is their QC and they are not tuned from the factory. Mine wasn't anyway and the brass reg pistons were out of spec , they were too long , it should have been caught at the factory. Not by a first time fx owner . I do still like the Maverick and it wasn't that hard to work on but still shouldn't have happened. And it's a powerhouse so why the same hammer as the .177 from the factory for shooting lighter pellets ?
So I chopped the POI shifting to high winds day to day here sense I got my gun back from warranty. The accuracy is changing between shoots 1 to 1 1/2 mils left to right and 1/2 to 1 mil low or high. I've not touched guns settings sense I've gotten it back! Tomorrow Im doing full chronograph number and trying different scope. Scope now is element optics helix.
Calling utah to getting warranty started. Starting to hate my decision on m4 .177 route. Probably get a lot of haters on FX owners but doesn't change my mind on FX being the best hunting rigs. I'm not a paper shooter so 1 hole groups aren't my goal at all.
Avoid the M4 in .177 anyone looking to buy new. Yes there are people going to cry out and say it's a tuning gun it meant to be adjusted and messed with and I'd respond shut up its a new gun. At least perform out the box before tuning to my individual need's. Hate to bail on the M4 but it might be time!
So you are getting the POI shifts on windy days?

I think you need to do some research on how pellets, especially light ones, react to wind and also about "Magnus effect" that will cause a rotating object to not only move to the side due to wind from the side but also up or down depending on the direction of rotation.

It is easy to blame the rifle but often the "problem" is something else.

I agree, if you are not happy to "tune" a rifle then the Impact is not for you. If you learn how to tune it it becomes the most amazing rifle and far more versatile than anything else out there.
So you are getting the POI shifts on windy days?

I think you need to do some research on how pellets, especially light ones, react to wind and also about "Magnus effect" that will cause a rotating object to not only move to the side due to wind from the side but also up or down depending on the direction of rotation.

It is easy to blame the rifle but often the "problem" is something else.

I agree, if you are not happy to "tune" a rifle then the Impact is not for you. If you learn how to tune it it becomes the most amazing rifle and far more versatile than anything else out there.
Its not a tune! By process of elimination you never assume the solution is .... Or .... Fill in the blank. You first resolve each variable to concluded its not the issue. So wind was first. This isn't a hard math. Just pure process of elimination. You sir clearly haven't read the comments nor the scope of the issue. It went back for warranty once already for same issue.
So you are getting the POI shifts on windy days?

I think you need to do some research on how pellets, especially light ones, react to wind and also about "Magnus effect" that will cause a rotating object to not only move to the side due to wind from the side but also up or down depending on the direction of rotation.

It is easy to blame the rifle but often the "problem" is something else.

I agree, if you are not happy to "tune" a rifle then the Impact is not for you. If you learn how to tune it it becomes the most amazing rifle and far more versatile than anything else out there.
Well I don’t think you read any of the comments nor did you read the original post. Because it states that he took wind into consideration, most people that shoot have the sense to realize wind plays a part just like the further the shot the higher you have to hold.
And it is easy to blame the gun, especially when it’s a FX Impact. Everyone that I know and I have heard talk about FX always have some kind of issue. And it don’t matter whether the gun is new or used. I know that things happen and companies can’t prevent everything but I feel like they could do better.
And tuning an impact should be simple as a 2000.00 plus gun. It should come from the place shooting the way I told them I wanted it shooting. But due to the weakness of the gun or parts or whatever reason they never seem to hold their POI. And even after you try and retune the gun it never shoots as it should.
So I think that if people want simple and reliable and powerful guns to stay away from FX. Or atleast the impact. With its 5000s o-rings and 10000 moving parts. It’s just asking for trouble.

And I’m not hating on FX they have made some really great rifles in the past but the impact just seems to be an impact of pain in the azz.
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If I were an air rifle dealer, I would be a custom build shop that sells FX Impacts only and maintains/repairs only those rifles I sold.

Before I sold an Impact to a customer, I would ensure they understood:

1. Internal Ballistics & Lateral Throwoff.

2. External Ballistics & Aerodynamic Jump.

3. How the Air Valve, Macro, Micro, & Plenum Pressure settings and pellet design each affect 1. & 2. above.

4. The process for testing various pellets to identify the pellet(s) with the best Internal & External Ballistics.

5. How to establish the best air consumption efficiency when shooting the identified pellet(s).

6. How to determine and set the correct length of pull.

I would only sell an Impact with:

1. A top rail to protect the shroud.

2. A bottom rail to ensure zero load torque on the Bottle Connector/1st Regulator and allow more location adjustment when using a bipod.

3. A length adjustable Butt for setting the correct length of pull.
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If I were an air rifle dealer, I would be a custom build shop that sells FX Impacts only and maintains/repairs only those rifles I sold.

Before I sold an Impact to a customer, I would ensure they understood:

1. Internal Ballistics & Lateral Throwoff.

2. External Ballistics & Aerodynamic Jump.

3. How the Air Valve, Macro, Micro, & Plenum Pressure settings and pellet design each affect 1. & 2. above.

4. The process for testing various pellets to identify the pellet(s) with the best Internal & External Ballistics.

5. How to establish the best air consumption efficiency when shooting the identified pellet(s).

6. How to determine and set the correct length of pull.

I would only sell an Impact with:

1. A top rail to protect the shroud.

2. A bottom rail to ensure zero load torque on the Bottle Connector/1st Regulator and allow more location adjustment when using a bipod.

3. A length adjustable Butt for setting the correct length of pull.
I would def be buying somewhere else. No offense as I owned 2 impacts and none of those accessories are necessary.
If a gun doesn’t live up to your expectations, fix its issues or part ways with it. That simple. Don’t hang onto a bad relationship by being bullheaded. I won’t say the Impact is a bad gun. I’ve owned more of them than most people on this forum. But what I can say is they are not for everyone. If you want to own this supposedly cool gun, you have to master keeping your cool.
If I were an air rifle dealer, I would be a custom build shop that sells FX Impacts only and maintains/repairs only those rifles I sold.

Before I sold an Impact to a customer, I would ensure they understood:

1. Internal Ballistics & Lateral Throwoff.

2. External Ballistics & Aerodynamic Jump.

3. How the Air Valve, Macro, Micro, & Plenum Pressure settings and pellet design each affect 1. & 2. above.

4. The process for testing various pellets to identify the pellet(s) with the best Internal & External Ballistics.

5. How to establish the best air consumption efficiency when shooting the identified pellet(s).

6. How to determine and set the correct length of pull.

I would only sell an Impact with:

1. A top rail to protect the shroud.

2. A bottom rail to ensure zero load torque on the Bottle Connector/1st Regulator and allow more location adjustment when using a bipod.

3. A length adjustable Butt for setting the correct length of pull.
Man I love idea but implying that I didn't or don't understand the platform or have basic machine skills or mechanic skills is crazy. The darn gun doesn't work because the regulator is crap. Dang same response from you fan boys that it the users responsibility to fix a broken gun that's went back to warranty 2 times now is freaking nuts and shows the logical circuit of some folks is broken at best or at worse just a extreme tribalism for the gun and the brand.
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All I know is if I ever own an FX, it won't be an impact. Too many issues. I love to tinker on airguns, but they have to usable and head ache free. It's always the impacts I hear have issues.

As for hunting with one. They seem more of a bench gun setup to me. At least my m60b felt that way. Just not a design I prefer for off hand shooting.
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