Have any of you had issues with the MA2? I am in my second one! I have the .22 sniper and have nothing but problems on both. First one I took the the range and it would not hold a group smaller than about 2 inches at 25 yards. In addition to that I could barely get through 2 magazines without running out of air. So I put the Chronograph on it and it was all over the place, 850-950 feather aft about 3 fills I noticed leaking from the barrel. I took it to the shop I bought it at and he tried everything to get it to seal with no luck. He sent it back a got me a new one. Well new one had basically the same issues. Manual states it was supposed to be tuned to 1300-1600 psi to shoot JSB 18grn around 870. It was over 2000psi and was shooting 940 plus and while it was shooting a little better it still would not group. So I adjusted the reg (not a simple task) when I tested colorist it was right there 870 pretty soli. Went the range and was shooting ok. Then reg jumped back up on its own and it started leaking from the barrel again. I’ve reached out too Macavity twice now with no response. anyone else have these problems?