Umarex Made my own Notos magazine

Fist of all, I know that there are plenty of good aftermarket Notos Magazines (Carm, Maple, etc.). Partly I just like the challenge and the fun of trying new things. I designed a Avenger magazine previously, but made this one a bit differently. So for, it is working well, but I think I have a few small adjustments I will make.

- 10 rounds
- removable lid (attached by magnets)
- shot indicator for the last 4 rounds (although the last one is hidden when in the gun)
- I inlayed the text by printing a 2 layer STL of just the text, then switching filament and printing the rest around it (first time I tried that technique, and it worked very nicely)
- it doesn't have the ridge on the back, making it easier to print, but it still locates just fine (and take less fumbling to get lined up).

Edit: I have now posted the 3D files on and uploaded instructional videos explaining making the spring and assembling the magazine.

3D files -

Magazine Demo:

Making the Torsion Spring:

Last edited:
Nice design. Is this still in development?
Okay, I think I did the last change. None could probably tell a different except me, but I added a 0.2mm ridge on the bottom that sits on the right edge of the magazine well. That removed a very slight potential to tilt (up an down) at tiny amount, pivoting where the magnet is. Now its very stable and holds the exact correct position. I shot about 150 pellets using the last version, and it worked flawlessly.

If anyone is interested, I am planning on putting the files up on my account at Cults, but I want to make some videos first on how to make the custom spring and how I do assembly. I'll post when I get it all ready and posted. I'm not really planning on try to make them to sell, unless someone doesn't have a 3D printer but still wants one.
Okay, I think I did the last change. None could probably tell a different except me, but I added a 0.2mm ridge on the bottom that sits on the right edge of the magazine well. That removed a very slight potential to tilt (up an down) at tiny amount, pivoting where the magnet is. Now its very stable and holds the exact correct position. I shot about 150 pellets using the last version, and it worked flawlessly.

If anyone is interested, I am planning on putting the files up on my account at Cults, but I want to make some videos first on how to make the custom spring and how I do assembly. I'll post when I get it all ready and posted. I'm not really planning on try to make them to sell, unless someone doesn't have a 3D printer but still wants one.
I am definitely interested.
I have 8 OEM mags that suck.
Okay, I think I did the last change. None could probably tell a different except me, but I added a 0.2mm ridge on the bottom that sits on the right edge of the magazine well. That removed a very slight potential to tilt (up an down) at tiny amount, pivoting where the magnet is. Now its very stable and holds the exact correct position. I shot about 150 pellets using the last version, and it worked flawlessly.

If anyone is interested, I am planning on putting the files up on my account at Cults, but I want to make some videos first on how to make the custom spring and how I do assembly. I'll post when I get it all ready and posted. I'm not really planning on try to make them to sell, unless someone doesn't have a 3D printer but still wants one.
Nice! I am interested in two, once you are ready for that.
I am definitely interested.
I have 8 OEM mags that suck.
Nice! I am interested in two, once you are ready for that.
Since I hit the design I'm happy with, my printers is currently making me at least 3 more copies :cool: It may take me a little longer to upload the STL's to Cults since I want to make some instructional videos to go with it. I'm not trying to make a business of printing them, but I also not against it if someone want to try some but doesn't have a 3D printer. Importantly however, I don't want to run afoul of the forum rules (i.e "14. Clandestine advertising is not permitted.") Maybe PM if you don't have access to a 3D printer?
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Since I hit the design I'm happy with, my printers is currently making me at least 3 more copies :cool: It may take me a little longer to upload the STL's to Cults since I want to make some instructional videos to go with it. I'm not trying to make a business of printing them, but I also not against it if someone want to try some but doesn't have a 3D printer. Importantly however, I don't want to run afoul of the forum rules (i.e "14. Clandestine advertising is not permitted.") Maybe PM if you don't have access to a 3D printer?
I have a 3D printer.
Very cool, I like the shot indicator! I also like your manual-multi-filament solution, I'll have to give that a try.
This is the first time I tried doing the "manual-multi-filament" (I like your name for it :cool: ). I have to say, its the thing that made me the giddiest while 3D printing in a long time. I can't believe how well it worked. Here are my last 4 prints:


The only thing that wasn't exactly how I would want it was that for some reason PrusaSlicer doesn't seem to do the travel z-lift on the first layer (not sure why).

The next thing I may try is to try to trick the slicer into thinking I have multi-filament capabilities on my printer like in this explanation:

These would allow you to do multi-color not just on the first layer or two (but you would have to change the filament for each layer, which might be a pain).
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The next thing I may try is to try to trick the slicer into thinking I have multi-filament capabilities on my printer like in this explanation:

These would allow you to do multi-color not just on the first layer or two (but you would have to change the filament for each layer, which might be a pain).
I tried out the slightly less "manual-multi-filament" technique. You essentially tell your slices that you have a dual filament capable machine, and have it pause when switch between the colors (and then you do the manual filament change). This way, you could put the color anywhere in the print (not just the first layer), but you have to do a filament change at each layer that has multiple colors. That could get tedious very fast. The process worked exactly as I expected, but the result was not as good:

The lid on the left is what I was doing (print the two layer of the lettering as a stand alone print, then run the next print over the top of it). I am pretty sure the difference came from the fact that the second method prints the black (non-lettering) first. It probably flattens out a bit into the space the lettering the later printed into. I didn't find a way to control the order the colors are printed in the new method. The result from the manual method is nicer, even if it sometimes drags the nozzle across the already printed letter sometimes (for some reason PrusaSlicer doesn't do the travel lift on the first layer).
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Okay, I finished some video about how to make the custom torsion spring and how to do the assembly (when I posted my Avenger magazine, I end up getting a bunch of questions). Having uploaded the videos, I also posted the 3D files on

3D files -

Magazine Demo:

Making the Torsion Spring:
