Magnetospeed V3 chronograph


My friend has one and we have used it extensively with center-fire rifles, and also comparing it to a Lab Radar chrono'.

These two (2) chrono's agreed perfectly :)

The Magnetospeed works very well indeed - we used it to successfully develop loads for his 6.5 Creedmoor.

Never tried it with airguns - the instructions emphasize that the sensor offset is critical for use with airguns - ca. 1.5 mm IIRC.

Have fun :)

Best regards

Oh but wait!

Using the V3 while tuning an air rifle is a tedious adventure! When it is attached, the POI will change rather drastically. While it accurately measures the velocity, you have to remove it to check for accuracy. Personally, I don't like anything which takes two steps, when one should be enough! This is the reason I didn't buy one originally.

I now have a Labradar, and while I realize it is about twice the cost, once you own one, you'll discover why you almost can't get by without one. Especially so, if you're into tuning for accuracy. 
I have the Magnetospeed V3 Chronograph and use it on all of my long guns as well as my air rifles. The advantage I have found using this unit with air rifles is that you can increase the sensitivity to pick up the smaller pellets such as 177. I use it to tune my rifles and found that it drops very few of the shots (error readings), it is not light sensitive (like most other chronographs) and being attached to the rifle you do not have a problem with a chronograph out in the shooting lanes of the gun range. There are drawbacks to every chronograph and I suppose the set up that takes a little time or the inconvenience of moving it from one rifle to another would be the only points I would bring up. I do not see a significant POI change with whatever rifle or air rifle I place the unit on. I give it a rating of 10 in my book for accuracy and consistency. The price is a little much to swallow for some and I understand this point when you see chronographs at a price point of $100 and sometimes less. The Oehler M35P System (if still in production) priced at around $500 is what I used for several years and was very reliable and accurate. It was owned by our gun club and shared by the membership especially when we were working up new loads for our powder burners. With its' multiple screens and large shooting window the Oehler was a real good piece of equipment but for home use and repeatable performance I am very satisfied with the Magnetospeed V3.
That is my 2 cents and I hope that helps in making your decision.
I use my V3 only to check all my velocity on firearms and Airgun’s, the sensor is barrel mounted and adds weight and changes the barrel harmonics when shooting groups. Very consistent in picking up velocity vs optical style. My firearms have a full shroud so I can mount the V3 without affecting the barrel. Looking at making a special mount so I can do the same with my airguns.