Magnum pumpers or lack there of
Once again i find myself reminiscing about airguns of days past. Magnum pumpers have always been guns i see so much potential for, but always seem to fall short when manufacturers try there hand at bringing one to market.
The 2 Magnum pumpers that come to mind are the Fx Independence and for the life of me i cant remember the name? I belive it was called the wicked monster by Mike at Rat sniper slugs, i remember how bada.. they were with there boyds custom stocks and high power.
Both guns were amazing in my eyes, but came with there short comings. The Fx Independence was plagued with leaking and the Wicked monster i believe met its demise due to high cost to manufacturer which inevitably drove the price up, in turn driving away interest.
The offerings today are low power topping out at 15 or 16 foot pounds. Boy would i love to see a bullet proof pumper cracking out a super hot 50 foot pounds. Man that would absolutely tickle me pink
With technology progression in pcp air rifles we must have a way to pull it off. Its a pcp with out the need for compressors or bulky pumps and tanks. Now does someone really want to target shoot with such a rifle? Probably not unless you are on copious amounts of steroids and have arms for days

but i Digress...
Hunting on the other hand or a SHTF type scenario for a bug out survival set up....ahhh perfection. And with the advancements in slug shooting barrels that could be a fantastic selling point.
I really wish i would have listened to my Uncle as a child and spent time in his machine shops to learn a thing or two about working with metal. God knows they all tried with me but i was busy off in la la land because my adhd has adhd
Well if there are any folks in airgun land reading this there are some consumers who still would fancy a Magnum pumper. At least me anyway.
Untill the next time im day dreaming about a airgun that is long forgotten, so long and salutations.
Once again i find myself reminiscing about airguns of days past. Magnum pumpers have always been guns i see so much potential for, but always seem to fall short when manufacturers try there hand at bringing one to market.
The 2 Magnum pumpers that come to mind are the Fx Independence and for the life of me i cant remember the name? I belive it was called the wicked monster by Mike at Rat sniper slugs, i remember how bada.. they were with there boyds custom stocks and high power.
Both guns were amazing in my eyes, but came with there short comings. The Fx Independence was plagued with leaking and the Wicked monster i believe met its demise due to high cost to manufacturer which inevitably drove the price up, in turn driving away interest.
The offerings today are low power topping out at 15 or 16 foot pounds. Boy would i love to see a bullet proof pumper cracking out a super hot 50 foot pounds. Man that would absolutely tickle me pink

With technology progression in pcp air rifles we must have a way to pull it off. Its a pcp with out the need for compressors or bulky pumps and tanks. Now does someone really want to target shoot with such a rifle? Probably not unless you are on copious amounts of steroids and have arms for days

Hunting on the other hand or a SHTF type scenario for a bug out survival set up....ahhh perfection. And with the advancements in slug shooting barrels that could be a fantastic selling point.
I really wish i would have listened to my Uncle as a child and spent time in his machine shops to learn a thing or two about working with metal. God knows they all tried with me but i was busy off in la la land because my adhd has adhd

Well if there are any folks in airgun land reading this there are some consumers who still would fancy a Magnum pumper. At least me anyway.
Untill the next time im day dreaming about a airgun that is long forgotten, so long and salutations.