Making it rain iguanas during the hurrican season!

Recovery count of 33 iguanas.

All were taken with the GK1 .22 set up to shoot 21.9gr AEA pellets at 895fps. These pellets have so far shot the best at close and long distance 9ver the FX 18gr, 15gr, polymags, H&N 18gr, 15gr, 14.66gr, and Crosmans.

The furthest shot wast 73 yards, on top I have a monstrum panzer ED 1-10x24 FFP and it is perfect, the illumination is also very good on this optic.




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wouldn't mind shooting a days worth but would not live there . to many lizards around .
Not every place is like this but I get it.
Only 3.7 million to go.
Not a problem for me, I make putting iguanas down and selling them.
When i was younger i would like to go to Florida for a little tarpon fly fishing, now i an thinking screw the rod ill go iguana shooting instead.
Come down here and do both, you'll have the time of your life!
73 yards? Outstanding work!
Thank you Sir! I surprised myself as well, with a pellet at that!
I am in awe of the iguana situation down there. I’m also jealous of how you have an abundant quarry to sharpen your skills on. You full time iguana guys probably have a true A game with your airguns.
You are 100% on point, I usually test myself doing headshots at hatchling iguanas which are about 5-10 inches long and have a head the size of almost two nickels put together and a 25 cent quarter out at all distances. It's definitely allowed me to test many other airguns and truly see what they can do out in the field. I'm so busy I can't make the time to go to the range.
WOW" the people that buy them?for eating or make stuff out of the hides.Also what do they tast like? that is wild" amigo"
Yeah we have buyers that want them for the skin, to use as bait, to eat, others make jewelry or even bic lighter cover lol.

It has it's own taste, you have to cook it just right otherwise it ends up being rubbery.
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