Making the move to FX and starting with the Dreamline Tactical. Talk me out of it.

Here we go, another fanboy 🙄 I would state my opinion on fx but every time I do my reply’s get deleted by moderators and I get a message from them how I should be nice, so what is wrong with edguns and brocock? I would take either one of them before I would purchase another fx.. just my 2 cents 😀 just go ahead and buy a Panthera because that’s all that people seem to be talking about now on here and everywhere else
Someone sounds butt hurt.
When I read his post, there was something about being Swedish and wanting an FX. What’s wrong with showing some love for his country? My first gun was an air arms. Why? Because i was born in England and showing love for my country. I moved on after that, and he may well too. No need to start your bad mouthing FX garb again!
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Someone sounds butt hurt.
When I read his post, there was something about being Swedish and wanting an FX. What’s wrong with showing some love for his country? My first gun was an air arms. Why? Because i was born in England and showing love for my country. I moved on after that, and he may well too. No need to start your bad mouthing FX garb again!
Butthurt? Nope… just wise, had many fx’s just choose not to ever own one again.. nothing wrong with buying your country’s made rifle either to show loyalty either it’s all good, I love my Russian made Ataman’s and Edguns does that make me a supporter of the crap going on over there? No…point is you don’t need a fx rifle to shoot MOA @ 100yds and if you feel like I offend you then just email the moderators and say I hurt your feelings then 😉👍
Here we go, another fanboy 🙄 I would state my opinion on fx but every time I do my reply’s get deleted by moderators and I get a message from them how I should be nice, so what is wrong with edguns and brocock? I would take either one of them before I would purchase another fx.. just my 2 cents 😀 just go ahead and buy a Panthera because that’s all that people seem to be talking about now on here and everywhere else

Not a fanboy, just realistic and I'm never owing a gun I cant show my pastor. 🤣
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OK, I have done what I can with the mid priced airguns, they have given me fantastic results at close ranges but I want to get my groups down to 1MOA at 100 yards and I want to do this with the FX line. Cost is a factor and if I hear "Buy once, cry once" Ill.... (momma will never go for it.)

I'm Swedish so the FX is the only real choice, no BRO cock (dumbest name in the history of airguns) or EdGuns, so dont even bother with steering me away.

Just bipass the Dreamline and grab a Panthera,......I know budgets are a B..... but ther's ways around them.
I hope I didn’t offend you wasn’t the point.. I agree brocock is a pretty silly name but I wouldn’t write them off as being below par compared to a fx either

Oh gosh NO, you did not offend me at all, I was just giving it back a bit.

Brocock fits my hand very well, nice LOP and triggers, just dont cheek well for me, the FX line seem to come right up in line for me and there are about a million of them out there with millions of accessories.
It had to happen, there will always be those that hate FX, oh well...

Yes, I will be watching the classifieds, I'm in the fund building stage right now and will be selling off some guns after I get them cleaned up and get a target shot for each.

Long game so no purchasing right yet.
I don’t hate fx, I actually regret selling my royale 500, it was simple, dependable, accurate and a thing of beauty before all the tactical looking airguns became popular. but the royale 500 was before all the marketing hype. Some lucky fella on here has my royale, hope he is enjoying it because I do miss her 🥰

I hope I didn’t offend you wasn’t the point.. I agree brocock is a pretty silly name but I wouldn’t write them off as being below par compared to a fx either
And, there is a sweet Ghost HP, appears completely stock condition, in the classifieds now. Probably won’t last.
But if one is still in the dreaming stage, on a Volkswagen budget, and cannot reveal it to their clergyman, it’s not the right airgun.
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My first PCP was the Impact MK2 the first model that was called PP (power plenum), and I got a .25 cal as a "intermediate calibre that can mimic both the .22 and .30". Soon enough I realized that I may be missing the .22 - but not a .30, and I got the Leshiy2 in .22 for 50 meters rings.
And the game begin, modifying-hacking-boosting these LEGO guns. And I made them to a level of accuracy, both are sub MOA in each category.
Still today I realize a single gun is "not comfortable enough" for shooting both the slugs and the pellets with same effects - I am talking 100 meters rings now.
Last year I dedicated the Impact for .25 slugs only, and the L2 stay for .22 pellets only. And I can see I am missing the .22 slugs performance.
For a 100 BR subMOA currently I cannot see anything on the market that can outperform (consistently) the MK2 so I would justify spending for one more gun ....
I would like to get a new gun ... but we shoot only one gun at a time, right? No matter if you have two or ten...
Butthurt? Nope… just wise, had many fx’s just choose not to ever own one again.. nothing wrong with buying your country’s made rifle either to show loyalty either it’s all good, I love my Russian made Ataman’s and Edguns does that make me a supporter of the crap going on over there? No…point is you don’t need a fx rifle to shoot MOA @ 100yds and if you feel like I offend you then just email the moderators and say I hurt your feelings then 😉👍
Being wise would help you figure out that because you had a bad experience, doesn’t mean everyone has. I also own edguns, and others. Brocock has never checked the boxes on what I want. I’ve also tried all sorts of Eastern European guns. I still own my fx and edgun. I don’t own the others. Will I bad mouth the others? On the contrary, even with their many issues, I saw their positives, and recommend them frequently based on others needs. You won’t see much of me “bad mouthing” a brand. I don’t see the point.
I have the Dreamline Compact light in 22, it was my 2nd PCP, Brocock Bantom HR in 22 was my 1st. (Not sure that I would let the name of a gun interfear with my purchase, but I respect everyone's opinions).
I truly love my DL Compact, it is light, really enjoyable to shoot with a good trigger.
I experimented with the longer barrels 600mm but did not like the looks of it and went back to the 380mm, shooting JSBs at 18gr at 880 and it is very accurate. It would not be my 1st choice for 100 yd MOA thought, I would go Crown if that is what you are after, much better everything for Bench shooting.
There are no bad choices hear, lots of FX dis likers, but I have had leaks and issues with almost every brand except my Brocock, it is a tank and has been trouble free.
I think there are more FX out there than other brands so obviously more potential issues, but have an issue with a say AGT and try to get support, no go, you will appreciate FX customer service and parts orders.
Being wise would help you figure out that because you had a bad experience, doesn’t mean everyone has. I also own edguns, and others. Brocock has never checked the boxes on what I want. I’ve also tried all sorts of Eastern European guns. I still own my fx and edgun. I don’t own the others. Will I bad mouth the others? On the contrary, even with their many issues, I saw their positives, and recommend them frequently based on others needs. You won’t see much of me “bad mouthing” a brand. I don’t see the point.
I didn’t necessarily have what you call bad experiences, I just got tired of the point of impact changes, the 10 million O-rings,constantly tinkering and tuning, the soda straw barrels, etc… I would rather be shooting my rifles instead of tinkering with them every day and re-zeroing my scopes. Im mainly referring to the impacts and mavericks.. the old wildcats, bobcats, royale’s, and all the other older rifles are pretty bullet proof and maintenance free, if you love constantly working on and projects then the impacts/mavericks are a tinkerers dream come true..
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I am tempted to as well. I have only one PCP, with no need for another. If I admired rail guns that looked like assault weapons (which I do not), that ghost would be mine.
Only one pcp? What kind of airgun enthusiast are you? 😊 got to have at least 10 on hand 😉 and have money put aside for divorce court
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Butthurt? Nope… just wise, had many fx’s just choose not to ever own one again.. nothing wrong with buying your country’s made rifle either to show loyalty either it’s all good, I love my Russian made Ataman’s and Edguns does that make me a supporter of the crap going on over there? No…point is you don’t need a fx rifle to shoot MOA @ 100yds and if you feel like I offend you then just email the moderators and say I hurt your feelings then 😉👍
You need to get one of those Zbroia rifles so you can pit them against each other and tell us who's actually winning!
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