Making your own pellets

The above is the address for the H.Mhem mold. the following is an email I received on 11/29:

Hello. I call our product H.MHEM. It can make 24 (.177 /.22) or 20 (.25 /.30) perfect pellets at a time. If you use it correctly, it can work for you for a lifetime, it can make hundreds of thousands of pellets or more.

This is a highly precise stamping die. We use a high-precision high-speed milling machine and a precision grinder to control their quality. Making such a HEN takes a lot of time and process. I can give you a brief description of the process. After the HEN is first completed, we will assemble it and make pellets. Then use 0.001mm's precision calipers to check the consistency of these pelltes. Record the data of each pellets. Then we will dismantle the HEN. It is processed with second precision grinding machines that are accurate to 0.001mm. Then assemble it again and make pellets to measure them again. We're going to check them over and over again, and we're not going to send them to our customers until they meet our standards. Of course, in the process, we will also lose some HEN, which is a pity. But we will not send unqualified products to our customers.

Because making a perfect HEN takes a lot of time and manual inspection, it's expensive, and I hope you understand that.

The price of each HEN is 800USD (excluding slugs's HEN). This price does not include shipping price and extra service charge 4/4% of PayPal.

About shipping price:The exact shipping price depends on the total weight of the merchandise and accessories purchased by the customer. When I finish the final package, I will ask UPS according to the exact zip code. Ups will give me the most accurate and accurate shipping price.

About accessories and prices:

H.MHEN box:40USD(Strong boxes help to protect effectively during shipping. The function of sealing can help prevent rust.)

Planer: 20USD (High Quality Planer from STANLEY, UK, for removing excess lead from the tail after pellets are made)

Lead wire cutter: 30USD (used to cut lead wire into fixed length to avoid waste of lead wire).

Lead wire: 7USD/1kg/2.2lb (each pellets needs lead wire of different diameters to make, otherwise it may lead to head defect of pellets, for example, making. 22/16.50 pellets needs 3.5mm diameter lead wire, while making. 22/18.30gr pellets needs 3.2mm lead wire. The quality of lead wire is directly related to accuracy. Please choose high quality lead wire. There is no impurity in the lead wire.If you need to customize the lead wire containing antimony, you need 8USD per kg.)

Hand press:This is a very important accessory. Only use it to make pellets. A manual press with the principle of elbow pole shall be used. I hope you find it in your country. If you need to buy from China, there are two prices. 100 and 600USD. The 100USD is a blue manual press. It's rough and requires careful adjustment of the pressure stroke, but it works perfectly, and the pellets are perfect. Another is the 600USD Green Press, which is a highly copying German version of the same type of product, it is easy to adjust the itinerary, and when making pellets you feel more relaxed, of course it is expensive.

Let's calculate from bottom to top. 

1. Press=$600 (shipping not included)

2. Wire=$7 2.2lb

3. Wire cutter=$30

4. Planer= $20

5.Optional box=$40

6.Shipping= approx $200 based on weight and box dimensions

7. Cost of mold 24 cavities .22=$800

Total= $ 1697

PAYPAL fees = 4.4% of the above amount = $74.66

Grand total= $1771.66 

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Would be nice to do but definitely not inexpensive for initial setup. The wire itself does not seem to be a major cost for production. Question would seem to be can you improve performance over available retail pellets enough to justify the cost? Some may simply enjoy the process and that would be reason enough to do it for any individual who wants to spend the money. Corbin does have presses, molds, and dies listed on their site but they are in similar price range to that noted above (if not higher) for initial setup.
Swagging is a great way to make your own , no doubt about it . But the cost is astronomical in comparison to casting molten lead . A complete set up for casting can be had for less than 200$ plus add the price of a few molds and some pure lead and your still under the 500$ mark . I started casting a few years back , now have about 1500 $ invested including molds ,sizing dies, a sizing press a PID temperature controller and now I can shoot multiple calibers for free using recycled lead . What a great hobby . 
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Swagging is a great way to make your own , no doubt about it . But the cost is astronomical in comparison to casting molten lead . A complete set up for casting can be had for less than 200$ plus add the price of a few molds and some pure lead and your still under the 500$ mark . I started casting a few years back , now have about 1500 $ invested including molds ,sizing dies, a sizing press a PID temperature controller and now I can shoot multiple calibers for free using recycled lead . What a great hobby .

You are invested in at $1500 but for that, you get the versatility of multiple calibers weight configurations, nose designs and you are not stuck with 1 pellet design that you can buy off the shelf. This makes a lot of sense. 
.. ........... i just got this on my facebook personal page.... i had seen a fella making his own jsb pellets in the s.e.asian tropics on a youtube video - he was just making 6-10 at a time with a mold that he said jsb had sent to him.... i just assumed that folks did that when they lived in places that didnt offer access to decent pellets , and many countries only allow .177 / 4.5mm airguns (india for ex)..... it looked like a pain in the ass.... and even sizing my own .25 h&n ftt pellets , which is only a 200 ct tin , was a long, tedious process.....i havent done that since then , either...... look on for this stuff.... of course , the chinese are clandestine about what they're really selling to us on that site - i guess they have to fly under the chicom radar .... they'll use 'oil filter' for a silencer and stuff like that.... i hope the tariffs dont dont too much higher - or ill be a leadsmith , too ( gawd , i hope not, tho )... - paul. 

Zhai Usjha

11 hrs · 

Mr. Edward. Also Loves HM. HEN

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Igor Koryakin, Moscow
It’s a hobby within a hobby, this swaging or casting your own Ammo, wether it be lead or pellets. This how to thread reminds me of the many “I’d like to get into pcp and need help” threads. In the end, it’s not just the gun choice everyone’s helping the new guy with, it’s the air supply also.

So depending on tier level choices the new guy goes with it’s either $500 at the cheapest all the way to $1800 with a Yong Heng, 45 minute eBay tank and a used FX something.

The equipment to make quality Ammo is no different, except depending on molds used you take a chance it’s either gonna work or you have a costly mold, die, etc collecting dust.
Just an update, I reached out to who Matt said to contact. The guy was super nice and very informative. However, and this is a big however, it was outrageously expensive. He explained that due to the fact it is illegal and he has to pay hush money the cost is even more. He quoted me $800 usd for the die and around $210 for shipping. That did not include the lead wire, cutter or press. The quality looked great but I can buy an endless amount of JSB’s for just the die price. I might as well pay down a percentage on a cnc machine for that price. If you find a cheaper price let me know as I am interested just not for $1000.00. Good luck everyone.
I have 3 cnc mills and a seat of Mastercam at my disposal, get the cad files! I work in a tool and die shop, got a damn good polisher here too.