manual pumping pain group

raise your hand if you’ve felt the pain of manually pumping a gun with a tank or tube that’s +200cc from zero to 35k psi.. share what gun, up to what psi, and reason why.

i’ll go first, huben k1 up to 30bar. had to do it multiple times troubleshooting and fixing a leaking fill port and then while troubleshooting a broken sear arm. 🥹 i didn’t have a compressor then because i never needed one for my notos.. enter huben k1 🥲😅
tell me i’m not alone. please haha
I am hand pumping my Taipan Veteran Long with what I believe is a 310cc air cylinder. I can buy an air compressor but with the way I'm using my gun right now, I just can't justify the purchase. My gun is mainly a backyard varmint rifle and there are times I only get 1 shot in a few days, or weeks, and sometimes even months.

I've said it before but I disagree with the general recommendations of getting a gun with the smallest air reservoir if hand pumping. My gun for example has a max fill pressure of 250 bars. At 31 FPE, I get 100 shots from 250 bars to regulator pressure at 90 bars. I rarely fill it up to more than 150 bars. I typically have it around 120 to 130 and at those pressures, I'm still getting 18-25 shots on the regulator. If the gun had a much smaller air reservoir, I would need to pump to much higher fill pressure to get the same shot count. In addition, with my gun, I have the option to fill it up to full pressure and get 100 shots if I ever need to shoot that much, e.g. a day at the shooting range. A gun with a smaller air cylinder will not have that option.

Really, the only disadvantage of hand pumping a gun with a large air reservoir is whenever the gun needs to be disassembled for maintenance or repair and the gun has to be pumped back up from empty (I've done it a few times when I was tuning the regulator). That, or if the gun is constantly leaking air.
thanks for the story. i just wanted a show of hands of who has experienced the bittersweet taste of pumping from 0-35k and what the details were of that endeavor.. like did you enjoy it or come to a realization that it ain’t for you?

that’s not the only disadvantage. time is the biggest disadvantage.. you don’t get it back and you can’t make more of it.
thanks for the story. i just wanted a show of hands of who has experienced the bittersweet taste of pumping from 0-35k and what the details were of that endeavor.. like did you enjoy it or come to a realization that it ain’t for you?

that’s not the only disadvantage. time is the biggest disadvantage.. you don’t get it back and you can’t make more of it.
I agree regarding time. If I ever find that I'm shooting more target practice, then I'd definitely get a compressor.

With my gun, I believe it took 300 pumps just to get to around 150 bars. I do it at 30 to 50 pumps at a time. If I remember correctly, it was 500 pumps from empty to the full 250 bars.
I've aired up my Mrod (215cc) from zero to 3K using a hand pump many times. My Dreamline (220cc) from zero to 3.3K PSI as well. Neither goes to 3500 PSI, but close enough. Takes me 30-40 minutes from start to finish while allowing for proper cooling and venting of the pump (every 40 strokes or so). Total time actual pumping might have been 10-15 minutes.
No one likes to do it. It's a lot of work and not all guns are agreeable to sealing with the wimpy pressure of a hand pump against the valve, but I found it very doable. It would certainly be a chore to fill a 3-400cc 300 bar bottle from empty to capacity with a hand pump. If I ever get a bottle gun, I'll probably be looking for a new fill setup. But I've got my tube guns under control with a hand pump.
This is cheaper than my first hand pump. Probably loud as hell but better than a sore back!

Here's a simple way to raise your pump up a little.

I was getting back pain from having to bend down too much while pumping so I made this fixture.
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480cc dreamline tank from empty, several paintball sized carbon tanks trying to tune the regs for a gauntlet, a 400cc tank on a kral jumbo several times to try to seal a valve leak. Just watch a tv show or watch my kid play a video game while I pump. Still spending time together. I tell him when he gets tallers and heavier I will pass the pump duties to him.
I mostly only pump by hand. I also ride alot of pedal bikes. Filling my gun by hand sort of gives me the same feeling of making it up a big hill under my own mechanical power versus riding my e bike up the same hill.

Every shot feels sweeter because I know I generated the power for that pellet.

I'm not gonna lie though, when it's hot and there's long shooting sessions a compressor is almost a must.
I mostly only pump by hand. I also ride alot of pedal bikes. Filling my gun by hand sort of gives me the same feeling of making it up a big hill under my own mechanical power versus riding my e bike up the same hill.

Every shot feels sweeter because I know I generated the power for that pellet.

I'm not gonna lie though, when it's hot and there's long shooting sessions a compressor is almost a must.
i agree with everything you said here.
35K?? Good lord! 😳😳😂😂
3.5k lol! you know what i meant😝
I used to hand pump a Career 707. Remember filling it to 3K one night so I could go hunting the next day, only to find the gun leaked completely down and it still does not work to this day. Used a Hill pump which is still here.

Recently hand pumped this gun in the photo... no idea what the start pressure was but counted 1550 (who knows how accurate my counting even was at that point😆) and then quit. It was getting pretty hard to do by then.

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I have easy access to a dive shop, so neither a pump nor a compressor holds any appeal for me. I have a pump, and I've used it a few times just to see if it was as bad as I assumed, and it was. The way I figure, I worked for 45 years so that I could afford to do things the easy way. If I didn't have the dive shop access, I'd probably have a compressor, although I'm a little afraid of working with HPA.
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I pumped up my Sumatra 2500 which has a 500cc tank. I think I started at around 2000 psi or a little more. Pumped it up to 2900 psi and went to release the pressure in the hose and the check valve wouldn't seal. I was so madd as I had to let it leak all of the way down to zero. All of that work for nothing. It's not that I don't have other ways but just wanted to see if I could.
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