manual pumping pain group

I pumped up my Sumatra 2500 which has a 500cc tank. I think I started at around 2000 psi or a little more. Pumped it up to 2900 psi and went to release the pressure in the hose and the check valve wouldn't seal. I was so madd as I had to let it leak all of the way down to zero. All of that work for nothing. It's not that I don't have other ways but just wanted to see if I could.
lol comedy! o was feeling the same way after pumping up my huben only to find out it was still leaking air after i thought i fixed the problem. huben good now. nothing like a bleed out, fill, repeat exercise to familiarize yourself with your gun and temper your understanding self patience.
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Add in loading fiddly magazines and that’s why I prefer shooting single shot break barrel springers. My PCP’s just sit there. And at 64 years old I can do 50 deep pushups straight. I do them 3 times a week at the start of my weight routine.
To me the pcp doesn’t seem worth the effort in several ways. Doesn’t quite suit my airgun needs. For now anyway. I bought my first pcp in 1992. Or somewhere around then.
Just grab a springer or three and go.
I hand pump every one of my PCPs , and going past 3200 is a pain,it usually takes about 125 pumps to get near what I need. Forget about letting the pump cool down,I am the one that needs to cool down.BTW I do have a small compressor; I used it once; Springers are a great way to go,so are BB guns and CO2. The fact is I have not shot a PCP for a month and do not miss them at all.
I also pump for health reasons., The other night the lady asked me if I was done, I had to admit to her, no,I just needed to catch my breath:(
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Here's a simple way to raise your pump up a little.

I was getting back pain from having to bend down too much while pumping so I made this fixture.
Sounds like (many) have a technique issue if back and/or arms getting sore. Then again when they were new dealers and naturally forums gave instructions. Oh and the Yellow Hill hand pumps SUCKED! Just a piece of crap no one would ever want but think they only made about 200 before improvement.

Stand on pump, pull handle up arms fully extended , (if Tall some knee bend I guess) press handle down keeping back Straight until elbows straight then bend knees literally dropping all body weight on it-arms straight, back straight-. Arms & back should be fine (not that I could today but) it's all deep knee bends so you should only feel it in your legs.
Pumped several Career rifles for years the Ultra having a 500cc twin tube from zero to 3,000psi was right at 550 strokes counting bleeding every 50-60 strokes using the 1st Blue FX pump. If your back and/or arms get sore your technical isn't correct.
Now with a couple of artificial back disc's installed, HA,HA NO pumping. But wasn't bad back when at all.
Now (and I've tried one just too see) the sub- $100 pumps are actually easier & last longer + free rebuild kit.
Love my CF tank & Altros booster these day's.

thanks for the story. i just wanted a show of hands of who has experienced the bittersweet taste of pumping from 0-35k and what the details were of that endeavor.. like did you enjoy it or come to a realization that it ain’t for you?

that’s not the only disadvantage. time is the biggest disadvantage.. you don’t get it back and you can’t make more of it.

I’d sure like to see the arms of someone that pumps up to 35,000 psi of air, lol
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raise your hand if you’ve felt the pain of manually pumping a gun with a tank or tube that’s +200cc from zero to 35k psi.. share what gun, up to what psi, and reason why.

i’ll go first, huben k1 up to 30bar. had to do it multiple times troubleshooting and fixing a leaking fill port and then while troubleshooting a broken sear arm. 🥹 i didn’t have a compressor then because i never needed one for my notos.. enter huben k1 🥲😅
tell me i’m not alone. please haha
Pumping up a bicycle tire is bad enough
Answer is
Wilkins W31 compressor and a white whale CF tank
Sounds like (many) have a technique issue if back and/or arms getting sore. Then again when they were new dealers and naturally forums gave instructions. Oh and the Yellow Hill hand pumps SUCKED! Just a piece of crap no one would ever want but think they only made about 200 before improvement.

Stand on pump, pull handle up arms fully extended , (if Tall some knee bend I guess) press handle down keeping back Straight until elbows straight then bend knees literally dropping all body weight on it-arms straight, back straight-. Arms & back should be fine (not that I could today but) it's all deep knee bends so you should only feel it in your legs.
Pumped several Career rifles for years the Ultra having a 500cc twin tube from zero to 3,000psi was right at 550 strokes counting bleeding every 50-60 strokes using the 1st Blue FX pump. If your back and/or arms get sore your technical isn't correct.
Now with a couple of artificial back disc's installed, HA,HA NO pumping. But wasn't bad back when at all.
Now (and I've tried one just too see) the sub- $100 pumps are actually easier & last longer + free rebuild kit.
Love my CF tank & Altros booster these day's.

Pump like this guy instructs !!!
Thanks for the write up John .
Stan in KY @ 79 years young.
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lol comedy! o was feeling the same way after pumping up my huben only to find out it was still leaking air after i thought i fixed the problem. huben good now. nothing like a bleed out, fill, repeat exercise to familiarize yourself with your gun and temper your understanding self patience.
Thing is that if it had a larger diameter hose it could have released the air fast enough for the check valve to seal. I have the same problem with 1 of scba fill stations doing the same thing. My Sumatra holds air about the best of my 4 PCPs.
I also use my handpump most of the time, it is good exercise. I used to pump the 250cc tube to 250 bar without problems or pain. I realised the rifle is more accurate below 200 bar, maybe not the best regulator, so that is where I pump it to lately. I do have a 7L 300 bar SCBA tank sitting in the corner, fully charged, but I rarely use it. The last time I used it was when I went hunting with friends for a weekend and didn't want to pump there.
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I had to have a FX Impact when they came out. But the guns I was hand pumping back then had a manageable tube capacity. If you aren’t aware, the early Impacts weren’t good guns. So imagine the air you go through with a modern Impact trying to get it right and times it by three. I would literally prep for a shooting session like I do for a motocross race. Carb load, then recovery drinks. I was a Bowflex dude because of my gun. That Hill pump was worth every penny. I sold the gun before I became the first guy in history to burn down my house because my Hill pump burst into flames.
I had to have a FX Impact when they came out. But the guns I was hand pumping back then had a manageable tube capacity. If you aren’t aware, the early Impacts weren’t good guns. So imagine the air you go through with a modern Impact trying to get it right and times it by three. I would literally prep for a shooting session like I do for a motocross race. Carb load, then recovery drinks. I was a Bowflex dude because of my gun. That Hill pump was worth every penny. I sold the gun before I became the first guy in history to burn down my house because my Hill pump burst into flames.
i was hand pumping the notos and thought little of that huben.. i learned my lesson. it’s possible but it takes time, effort and determination. i was determined not to exert my time and effort to have to top it off or fill it from zero after having to do that twice.
Last week I pumped an Airforce ~500cc tank from zero to 3,000 psi with a Hill pump. It took 600 reps. Now my left ring finger is cold and numb; it looks like I may have pinched the ulnar nerve between my palm bones and the pump handle. Note to self: next time wear gloves and avoid the "heel" of the palm! But 600 reps will make your guns pop!
I’d sure like to see the arms of someone that pumps up to 35,000 psi of air

Last week I pumped an Airforce ~500cc tank from zero to 3,000 psi with a Hill pump. It took 600 reps. Now my left ring finger is cold and numb; it looks like I may have pinched the ulnar nerve between my palm bones and the pump handle. Note to self: next time wear gloves and avoid the "heel" of the palm! But 600 reps will make your guns pop!
you sir, have what many call willpower 👏