Marauder accuracy problems

Hi all,

i have recently received a marauder in synthetic stock .22
i have tried all pellets recomended for thus gun and still it is unable to keep groups within even an inch at 30 yards...
sometimes it gets a stroke of good accuracy butthen it just fades away again...
i have tried without the baffles and still does not help.

any suggestions please? :)

Of all the tweeks and mods I have done to mine (I have over $1000. into it) the Jim Gaska hammer forged barrel was the Only thing that solved the poor accuracy. I was just out target shooting yesterday at 32 yards from a bench rest and with JSB 18 gr and JSB 15.89 gr was getting 1/4 to 3/8 groups. The H&N Baracuda Match were very close as well. Interestingly it still doesn't like the JSB monsters. I mean 1 1/2" groups? WTH? Anyway I used to get 3/4" 1" groups at 30 yards and 3" (or more) at 100 yards with the crappy stock barrel.

If after testing for consistency of operation (as AJ suggests) it doesn't improve (assuming you have good shooting technique from a solid bench rest) sell it and get a .25 or replace the cheap stock barrel and save yourself a lot of time and headaches.
Not every .22 barrel is bad and most want to jump to that conclusion instantly. Many have had oversized .22 bores that won't shoot anything well, but not every barrel is bad in .22. I have never actually had a bad crosman .22 barrel as far as my personal guns. I have seen them on customers guns, but steps should be taken to diagnose the problem before jumping to conclusions.
My .22 Marauder rifle shoots the H&N Baracuda Match 21.14 grain 5.53 diameter pellets the best ( stock Crosman barrel ). You may want to give them a try. The JSB 15.89 pellets are right behind them.

FYI- Be aware that if you shoot pellets over 900 fps, it may cause lead to build up inside the barrel, which can deter accuracy.

To try and pinpoint what is causing the inaccuracies with your rifle, you may want to try shooting 3- shots groups, with different pellets. This can help to rule out if the rifle has a "bad tune", scope issues, pellet clipping, loose screws, etc.. If you can acheive acceptable 3- shot groups, then you may want to invest in a chronograph ( if you don't already have access to one ) and try tuning the rifle for a low difference in shot to shot velocities, throughout the entire fill - or shot string ( if needed - you can get help with tuning the rife here at the forum ). If you cannot achieve acceptable 3- shot groups, then I would suggest that you call Crosman ( 1-800-724-7486 ) and see what you can work out with them.

Concerning aftermarket barrels; They may be right for you, just know that along with the higher cost; they may or may not shoot your favorite pellet well, and may also need to be cleaned more often in order to maintain their accuracy.

Once you have decided whether to keep the rifle or send it back to Crosman, do your research so you can decide if the groups and pellets your rifle ultimately is shooting is acceptable enough to suit your shooting style, or if it is bad enough to justify the expense and/or maintenance of a non factory barrel.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't see anywhere where you state that you have thoroughly cleaned the barrel. If not, especially if its a new gun that would be the first thing I would do. New barrels have all kinds of residue in them from the manufacturing process that needs to be cleaned out before you can expect any kind of accuracy. If its used and you haven't cleaned it, there is no way to know when it was last cleaned. Lots of good advice above if that doesn't solve the problem.
A quick update:

the barrel has been cleaned before shooting.

as aj has recommended me i started to check the barrel if it was oversized.
i loaded a pellet and proceeded to push it further about an inch or 2.
i retrieved the pellet by pushing it back out with a cleaning rod and found that the only marks it has are on the skirt and are barely visible, no marks at all on the pellet head..

Did a bunch of testing this past spring on a marauder. It absolutely HATED the JSB pellets. The best pellet was the H&N Field Target 15gr pellets with a close second by the crosman Premier Hollowpoints. Of 4 types of JSB's the smallest group at 5 yards was about 6 inches. The largest was over 2 FEET. But the H&N and Crosman were both under an inch. Velocity was running in the 885-870 fps range. It was interesting to note that I sighted the gun in with the Crosman. When shooting the JSB, the center of the pattern was low and to the right by about 1 foot each direction or more. Glad I had a big piece of cardboard or I would have never found the holes.

Good Luck with yours. I hope you can get a good one.
I really wish Crosman would take there oversized .22 barrel issues seriously!! My current .22 has a stock barrel and is extremely accurate after lapping, polishing, and finding the right pellet. There is evidence that the .22 barrels they use (sure they are from China) can be very accurate, they just need tighter tolerances on bore dimensions!!