Tuning Marauder pistol fill nipple leak

Use yellow gas line Teflon tape it's heavier for better thread seal. Works for poorly machined threads in popular brand wobbly silencers that give bad accuracy too.

Apply it properly in regards to orientation to the threads don't use locktite. Start from 2:00-


Don't try to power a light bulb using a potato.

If it's only leaking at the threads this video and yellow gas line Teflon tape should work if done properly as seen in tge video.

Use the new one as a spare for later years down the road when you may actually need it. 

It's rather common for Crosmans - Benjamins to leak at their manometer and fill threads even when brand new. The parts themselves are still good. Use Yellow gas line Teflon tape.
When you unscrew the old nipple assembly, check the inside of the air tube and make sure there are no burrs that will tear up the O-Ring. Add a bit of silicone grease to the O-Ring before screwing the assembly in. Should help protect the O-Ring and keep a good seal. Doesn't take much silicone lube, just a really light smear. Ernest Rowe of FX fame uses Super Lube. I'm sure others will work fine. Just nothing that will combust under high pressure.

I spent many hours on my Marauder trying to get O-Rings without tearing them to shreds, finally had to sand down all the burrs on tine inside of the tube with 1000 grit then 2000 grit sand paper so it's glass smooth now. Really helped. Good luck to you. Working on guns is always fun!
Thanks, I will check that out. Mine is only leaking at the threads of the fill nipple. It seems to me it would have been better to have a seal of some sort there instead of metal to metal but who am I to reinvent the wheel. This is my first experience with PCP. I have been working on guns and shooting for over 60 years. They are extremely accurate, fun to shoot, and ammo is available but I am starting to doubt if it is worth it. 
My yellow Teflon tape came in, 2 days holding 3000 psi. Thanks so much for your advice! I have a Beeman that was leaking too. I thought I would do the same thing but it has an o-ring. Not such a brilliant idea! It has to turn with the fill nipple as it’s screws in. I put silicone grease on the o-ring. So far it has not leaked. I have not found any place that sells parts for the Beeman.