Good numbers! Guess we all have reasons for using pcp’s, or not. My two rifles are a Daystate airwolf, which still shoots great, and an fx panthera compact, which is amazing. Consistently sub moa at 100 yards. Dead simple to tune. Won’t shoot slugs, which makes prs style competition difficult with any wind. Currently focusing on center fire long range. Got the wrong rifle for that, too, so it’s a bit of a struggle. Fun, though. If it was easy it wouldn’t be fun.I was going the regulator route.
Bought one.
Didn’t use it.
Sold it and all of my PCP gear: three rifles, one pistol, compressor, two tanks, parts, three scopes, etc….
I was forced back into the PCP game last year.
Now just the PRod, Tank, compressor.
15fpe at just shy of 700fps with a couple of adjustments.
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