Benjamin Marauder Pistol Huma Regulator install issues

I was going the regulator route.
Bought one.
Didn’t use it.
Sold it and all of my PCP gear: three rifles, one pistol, compressor, two tanks, parts, three scopes, etc….
I was forced back into the PCP game last year.
Now just the PRod, Tank, compressor.
15fpe at just shy of 700fps with a couple of adjustments.

View attachment 524335
Good numbers! Guess we all have reasons for using pcp’s, or not. My two rifles are a Daystate airwolf, which still shoots great, and an fx panthera compact, which is amazing. Consistently sub moa at 100 yards. Dead simple to tune. Won’t shoot slugs, which makes prs style competition difficult with any wind. Currently focusing on center fire long range. Got the wrong rifle for that, too, so it’s a bit of a struggle. Fun, though. If it was easy it wouldn’t be fun.
The instructions in the Huma manual that reference a different model in regards to the spacer refer to the Fortitude and Discovery. Get yourself a long dowel or pvc section and remove all internal components; the spacer is in the tube still ;)

It does not sound like you’ve removed all components yet. The spacer is very thin, and you’d miss it in reflection staring down that tube.

Then, as others have said, port the valve. I was stubborn, and it was my last step when it should have been the first on my own p-rod.

The post by Weevil is a step by step to the exact result you want.
Had my Prod regulated and tuned for pistol FT but then got a 1720T so stole the reg and put it in there. Love both platforms regulated. But im not after power, Im after reliable consistency which I have gotten regulating them and not worrying about fill levels etc..
Agree above, the spacer is still in there and you just cant see it as I had the same issue. Its firm against that valve surface but its not glued or anything, it will pop out. Then your good from there. Disassembly is super easy, just get an oring kit from Airgun Revisions or Ebay (captain Oring) and done. I didn't port my Prod but did port my 1720T. I want to reg the Prod again and will soon. Love a regulated gun.
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The instructions in the Huma manual that reference a different model in regards to the spacer refer to the Fortitude and Discovery. Get yourself a long dowel or pvc section and remove all internal components; the spacer is in the tube still ;)

It does not sound like you’ve removed all components yet. The spacer is very thin, and you’d miss it in reflection staring down that tube.

Then, as others have said, port the valve. I was stubborn, and it was my last step when it should have been the first on my own p-rod.

The post by Weevil is a step by step to the exact result you want.
I see the spacer now. Thanks. Can’t seem to get it out without removing the valve. Dad decided it’s not worth the trouble. Listing reg in classified section.
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