Good gains there with almost 30fpe ave with the JSB.
It sounds like you modified more than TP. I assume it was valve exhaust, TP, and barrel port. Do you have the before/after measurements?
Unless there is a SAM specific poppet, the valve is probably the same as the standard Mrod valve in relation to valve seat, pocket, and exhaust locations. On the standard Mrod valve, 0.187" exhaust is about as far as you can go before hitting the seat and ruining the valve. Above 0.187", you have to angle or use oblong porting, which is not that easy DIY with caveman tools.
Before opening the valve even further, get the inside measurement of the flow through bolt and the inlet to it. That is going to be the bottle neck, and you don't want to go much more than that, with the upstream porting.
Your current hammer spring setting seems high at 8.5 turns CW, with a stock setting reg. For regulated guns, the HS is really just to balance out what the reg is set to. Mainly to get a flat fps through the range. Here is an article on the G2 Fortitude and how HS effects the curve:
Fortitude HS adjustment Myself, have not spent allot of time rounding and smoothing edges. I haven't seen much gains when I have, either. To me, this is not laminer flow, it is just a very short duration (milliseconds) blast of pressure. On the other hand, it doesn't hurt to do it.