marauder vs hatsan 44 Both in .25 cal whats your opinion?

Looking at getting my first pep rifle. I've narrowed the choices down to these two rifles. The longer qe version of the Hatsan beats Marauder on noise 64 to 68 db.
With optional extra air cylinder the hatsan can mean fill in the morning an hunt all day. Plus cylinders are bigger and more shots per fill.
i do love the wood stock and only they Marauder has that.
They both have very good triggers.
i still need a good scope, pump and 5 tins of pellets. ( yes. I do Shoot a lot) 
There's more to love about the Marauder than the wood stock. The tweakablity is where its at. Its not as easy as a power dial some rifles have, but its not difficult either. For some gigs you might want more power and not be so concerned about shot count, the Marauder can be adjusted for that. Higher shot count is your priority? You can do that too. The noise level of the Marauder varies with the tune. So you can make it quieter with some tweaks also. The Hatsan seems to be more powerful (more FPS) out of the box, but in real life, that isn't always a good thing. Can you dial it back? With the Marauder yes, I don't know about the Hatsan.
PA just did a comparison between the two, but it was in 22 cal. The AT44 outperformed the Marauder in just about every category. Hatsan comes in wood stock also. Hatsans can be tuned up or down easily. But guns are like cars, you can't always depend on numbers only, it's what you like. Take AF guns, they are great on paper but I didn't like the feel of them when I tried so I was never interested in one no matter what the numbers said. I'm biased, I have 2 AT44s and a 30 cal BT65 so I tend to lean towards Hatsans and know a lot more about them.
My experience with the .25cal. Marauder was good although the gun I had was not capable of pushing 25 grain pellets much faster than 830fps and still keep a decent bell curve and shot count of two 8 shot mags before refilling. The accuracy was terrific as well using jsb exact kings. Trigger was nice but not quite as good as the first version of marauders. Overall I liked the gun but found the stock was difficult for me to shoot accurately free hand, off the bench it was excellent.

My Hatsan 44QE in .25 caliber was a very accurate rifle. Trigger was just as good as the Marauder maybe a little better. Shot 27 shots per 3100psi fill or 3 mags before filling. It was very quiet and back yard friendly. The stock however while very ergonomic is hollow sounding which I didn't like. The cocking action and cycling of mag was flawless and smooth. It routinely shot 5/8 inch 5 shot groups at 40 yards. Velocity with the jsb exact kings was 920fps for 27 shots before refilling as stated above. The major drawback for me with the rifle was the hollow sounding stock and the overall length of the rifle, just about 50 inches.

Hope this helps
I've had both, sold the Marauder, kept the Hatsan. It was just more accurate. No matter how much tuning, adjusting the power, etc, I couldn't get the Marauder to group as well as the Hatsan. I'd say the quality level of the two is on par with each other. The Hatsan was a refurb I bought from Airgunweb for a great deal and the Marauder was new on Amazon. 
Excellent replies and reviews thus far! I've been leaning towards a AT44 QE in .25 (or larger) so that I can have an inexpensive .25 in my arsenal. My new bullpup I just got is in .22 because the deal was too good to pass up, but I was originally intending on going with a .25. 

I didn't realize that's a 50" rifle!! That's a long one, good thing I am 6'3". I should be able to shoulder it no problem. 
I was in the same shoe you were in two years ago. I went with the .25 marauder for three reasons. 1) the weight of the marauder is lighter even though the marauder is still heavy to carry all day in the field. Just imagine how it would be to carry the heavier hatsan. 2) the cost of marauder is less then the Hatsan. 3) if you can still get Ted's promo code, it will cost you even less