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Traditional Rifle Marksman Model 0035 (44-1C) .177 Cal. $80 Shipped CONUS only.

Classified Status
Good Day AGN'ers
I had intended to repair this rifle but have been too busy resealing/refinishing several pumpers for a couple of weeks now. This rifle is a break-barrel and to remove the spring, a specialty jig is required, and I don't have one. So, I figured that someone else may have the time and actually want to shoot this rifle after repair. Since I had removed the stock and you would need to do the same, I left it off for shipping purposes as it doesn't look like a rifle box anymore.
It is in great shape, I thought that it was brand new in the box but found a minor flaw in the stock in a couple of spots, so not new. Bluing is near perfect without any rust that I can see.
Price is $80 (to me) shipped only in the CONUS. PayPal is preferred payment and standard is best as it provides at least some insurance (F&F if you prefer otherwise though).
I have a many good transactions with zero issues, deal with confidence. I try to check this site a few times daily, but do not monitor constantly, please be patient, I will take questions or "I'll take it" via the time stamp as they come in.





