We held a match yesterday, 03/22/2025. And it was a blast.
As far as weather goes, we had highs in the mid 80s, FULL sun, and light little breezes that I can't imagine ever got much more than 5mph. The level of wind was pretty manageable. But the fact that it came from a bunch of different directions, was swirling, and generally very inconsistent, made it tough to connect on the farthest targets.
A total of 16 shooters attended. The biggest division was the 72 shot match, sub 50fpe pellet flingers, with 9 participants. Next came the 48 shot (long range and pellets under 100fpe), with 3 in that class. Then two in the short range pellet class, both shooting 18-19fpe .177 pellets. And one in the subsonic rimfire class. And finally, just me in an experimental sub50 pellet/slug hybrid class.
We had this many left for the group photo at the end...
We're 3 or 4 months into the new format that offer a class/division for just about anybody to come play in. And I hadn't had the ambition to work out the extreme Troyer factor, til now.
Here are the distance/killzone/troyer factors for all 36 targets.
Other than the standing tripod shots on lane 9, I highlighted (yellow) the theoretically hardest targets. The lowest T of those 8 is a 44.5, the highest a whopping 60. The average Troyer of those 8 "hardest" targets is an eyebrow-raising 51.6. Very much apples to oranges, but foor a point of comparison, the sub 20fpe flavor of field target (AAFTA) considers any single target with a T of over 50 illegal. And any course average higher than a 36 is also deemed illegal in AAFTA. Our course average yesterday was a 38.5T. Ultimate Field Target is a variety of field target that holds true to its moniker of "ultimate." The level of difficulty for the hardest targets is WAAAYYYYY up there for UFT. But there's also targets like the 1.5" @ 32 yards "middle" on lane 7 that can make a newcomer feel a sense of accomplishment.
And here is how we all fared...
And some additional stats for comparing everyone. Each column represents the yellow-highlighted targets above. Not very fair to stick everyone in the same chart like this, since we've got 18fpe .177 pellets, all the way up to rimfire, but still interesting to see the breakdown. So, this following chart is offered as primarily a means for competitors to see which of the hardest targets are costing them points.
This was Tammy's first UFT match, with a new gun/scope/rig. Very challenging course for a 18fpe .177. And she did great! Congrats on the win. The tie in her class was broken with longest streak, she had 5 in a row, and Cabe's longest was 4. Always good to welcome new folks out to the matches.
Steve M dusted off his rimfire. I saw or maybe heard him say that he hasn't shot a rimfire at a UFT match for quite a while...maybe he said 2? years, choosing to use an airgun in that timeframe. The time away from his Anschutz didn't appear to bother him, as he turned in a very respectable 89.6% knockdown ratio.
And Barbara. Man o man she's on fire for these UFT matches. If I'm not mistaken, she has been overall match high for 3 months in a row now. Congrats Barbara!!!
As for my experiment with using 29fpe pellets for the near and sometimes middle target, and 34fpe slugs for the far target...I had some brain farts that cost me points. Going back and forth between pellets and slugs, combined with managing my 7 year old's rig, meant that I was going back and forth from 3 different trajectory charts. For my gun I was dialing back and forth from 6 to "MAX" on the power wheel, 6 for pellets, and max for slugs. I forgot to dial up to max on the first slug ('FAR") shot on 4 occasions, and watched the slug hit a couple feet short. So lost 4 points there. There also is a 2/10 of a difference in horizontal from pellet to slug zero, so I lost a couple more on the really tight kill zones for forgetting to add or subtract in those two horizontal clicks. And then the simple grab a pellet or grab a slug situation. Just a lot to mentally manage with 6 shots in a 4 minute time clock. It was certainly fun though, and kept me hopping!
Overall I think we all had a great time. Hope to see you all back next month. And as always, for anyone else interested, we'd love to have you join us.
Thanks to Ben and Scott H for course prep and all the behind the scenes to make these matches possible.
Thanks to Stephen K for supplying some much needed post match snacks and drinks.
Thanks to PRGC for sharing their facilities with us.
Thanks to Barbara for photos. (I was told all the photo credit that I've given to Tony P in the past was misdirected, as she has been the primary photo taker when I get match report photos from her and Tony. So, public apology to Barbara.
Thanks to Van and Scott for photos as well.
And thanks to everyone who attended! It was great to see old and new friends, shooting the targets, and the bull.
Top three full monty pellet scores in this photo...