Incredibly poopty day! I fixed the leak, but it took me multiple hours to finally resolve. It was dumping from two places - the atmospheric port and the top of the reg. The 7x2mm top o-ring was compromised, but I wound up screwing up the polymer reg piston while throwing o-rings at the other leak over and over.
So I swapped in a Huma high-power regulator in place of the factory regulator, they're built pretty stout and I had considered doing this early on anyway.
Then, I encountered another leak from the top of the reg. It turns out, the Huma shipped with a 7x1.5mm outer o-ring, which is too small. I swapped in a 7x2mm, crossed my fingers and reinstalled the bottle - and then encountered and entirely new leak coming from the fixed fill port!!! That one was a head scratcher.. I put a 14mm wrench on it, but it was bottomed out already. I loosened it and snugged it back down, and it stopped leaking when I attempted to fill again.
At this point, I realized that I missed my window to drive an hour and a half out to test my new hammer weight and another barrel that I machined, so I just decided to do a bunch of chronograph tests to break in / test the new reg, and to see how my rifle was performing. Sure enough, my bad luck was still with me and I terminated my beloved LMBR chrono:
I'm livid after all this!!!!