FX Maverick sprung a big leak

My Maverick VP has always had a slow leak, 2-3 bar a week since new, it’s been about a year and I just got a FX 580 cf bottle. Fill the bottle to 250 bar and the 2nd reg went to 150 bar, I fired a few shots and it refilled to 112 bar like normal, I checked on it about 1 hour later and the I heard a noise and all the air is coming out of the trigger slot, never heard of this before.

I have not touched the regs since tuning it about a year ago, just checked the chrono a few weeks ago, FPS and SD/ES were good. It’s getting sent off under warranty and maybe sold after it’s fixed. Not sure whats next maybe something with less o-rings, BRK?
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One problem with the gun and you are getting rid of it? Me thinks you jump too fast.
If the problem was recurring or another in a list of others I would consider letting it go. One problem does not make any air gun a bad one. I have watched two people with the vaunted Ghost work through a couple issues each. Once repaired they have been just fine.
Don’t buy into the too many O ring FX pile on. I have a Maverick and two Impacts. 3+ years on the Maverick and not one O ring has failed. Replaced the breech O ring once though. Neither Impact has developed a leak or had an O ring go out. I have owned the Impacts for almost 3 years and thousands of rounds have gone through each of those gun since I bought them.
My Maverick VP has always had a slow leak, 2-3 bar a week since new, it’s been about a year and I just got a FX 580 cf bottle. Fill the bottle to 250 bar and the 2nd reg went to 150 bar, I fired a few shots and it refilled to 112 bar like normal, I checked on it about 1 hour later and the I heard a noise and all the air is coming out of the trigger slot, never heard of this before.

I have not touched the regs since tuning it about a year ago, just checked the chrono a few weeks ago, FPS and SD/ES were good. It’s getting sent off under warranty and maybe sold after it’s fixed. Not sure whats next maybe something with less o-rings, BRK?
I had the same issue with mine. sent it to UA, told them to keep it lol. I got a day and night scope instead
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My Maverick VP has always had a slow leak, 2-3 bar a week since new, it’s been about a year and I just got a FX 580 cf bottle. Fill the bottle to 250 bar and the 2nd reg went to 150 bar, I fired a few shots and it refilled to 112 bar like normal, I checked on it about 1 hour later and the I heard a noise and all the air is coming out of the trigger slot, never heard of this before.

I have not touched the regs since tuning it about a year ago, just checked the chrono a few weeks ago, FPS and SD/ES were good. It’s getting sent off under warranty and maybe sold after it’s fixed. Not sure whats next maybe something with less o-rings, BRK?
Somewhere on the darn pentium tube thing is a little hole, see if you can find it, there is a moderate chance they rotated it down. Two screws will take off the frame, two different allen wrenches. IF you can find the hole attach some air and see if it leaks there, if so, you blew a o-ring on the rear regulator. It happens on occasion, very rarely once they are correctly reassembled. It's probably the top o-ring on the pressure adjustment, it's a little tiny sucker that's a bitch to get on. All that said, I've got two Mavericks spent some quality time with them and they are now rock solid. I bought a hand built air gun, had a bad regulator from the git go, then the valve decided to act up, and it has an annoying slow leak that is impossible to find. Question, you never turned in the reg under pressure did you?
Somewhere on the darn pentium tube thing is a little hole, see if you can find it, there is a moderate chance they rotated it down. Two screws will take off the frame, two different allen wrenches. IF you can find the hole attach some air and see if it leaks there, if so, you blew a o-ring on the rear regulator. It happens on occasion, very rarely once they are correctly reassembled. It's probably the top o-ring on the pressure adjustment, it's a little tiny sucker that's a bitch to get on. All that said, I've got two Mavericks spent some quality time with them and they are now rock solid. I bought a hand built air gun, had a bad regulator from the git go, then the valve decided to act up, and it has an annoying slow leak that is impossible to find. Question, you never turned in the reg under pressure did you?
I’ll look and no I degassed, screwed the reg in, bottle back on and turned it out a 1/8 at a time firing in between.
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I’ll look and no I degassed, scewed the reg in, bottle back on and turned it out a 1/8 at a time firing in between.
Depending on when your gun was slapped together, they may have used the old spec o-rings, somewhere here on the forum I've posted the correct 0-rings. I had a new Maverick with a screwed up front reg 0-ring, thus began my edakation in to all things Maverick and my personal gripes about FX, but I'm still not dumb enough to get rid of them.
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My Maverick VP has always had a slow leak, 2-3 bar a week since new, it’s been about a year and I just got a FX 580 cf bottle. Fill the bottle to 250 bar and the 2nd reg went to 150 bar, I fired a few shots and it refilled to 112 bar like normal, I checked on it about 1 hour later and the I heard a noise and all the air is coming out of the trigger slot, never heard of this before.

I have not touched the regs since tuning it about a year ago, just checked the chrono a few weeks ago, FPS and SD/ES were good. It’s getting sent off under warranty and maybe sold after it’s fixed. Not sure whats next maybe something with less o-rings, BRK?
The Ghost
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...IF you can find the hole attach some air and see if it leaks there, if so, you blew a o-ring on the rear regulator. It happens on occasion, very rarely once they are correctly reassembled. It's probably the top o-ring on the pressure adjustment, it's a little tiny sucker that's a bitch to get on...
Question, you never turned in the reg under pressure did you?


I know I have and that was my result too!
Similiar experience with wildcat BT. Second reg leak. Come to find out there must have been some manufacturing defect of the tube the reg screws into as the warranty repair couldn’t get it to stop leaking. Been waiting for the part from Sweden since the end of august. The amp regs are a literal nightmare to me to rebuild. Two orings in it that cause this and therefore it’s a love hate relationship with the guns. I love how they shoot but literally hate amp regs. Decided to keep it when ever if ever it gets fixed. Only because used impacts are worth the stick of gum that comes inside a pack of baseball cards right now. I can’t image what a maverick or wildcat bt is worth. Lmao.
New to airguns in general, but for me the fewer parts/things to go wrong on a piece, the better.

After dropping $2K on a rifle, my tolerance for things like air leaks follows inversely. It’s not unreasonable to expect commensurate levels of quality the more one spends.
Airguns need lube. It should be common practice to put a drop of pure silicone oil in everytime you fill up. It keeps orings lubed. If you have not mobed the regulator in more than 3 months and decide, I am changing things, without any previous lubrication it will more than likely leak at the regulator. It is physics, nothing more. I only buy used and trade. If it is under warranty, send it in, but dont complain aboit it, if you have not educated yourself on the product. I currently own the following;
F/X Impact M3
Daystate Delta Wolf
Airmaks Katran
Reximex Meta
Evanix Rainstorm
I am not afraid to work on any of them, as long as my time permits.
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Jeez. Learn a little about airguns and fix it. Bad reg, get a huma. Pneumatics are just another form of hydraulics. If you are going to stay in airguns,learn how to do some oring replacemnt or make friends with a reputable repair service provider, like firewalker or HPP.
Yeah it’s true any airgun will need service and it’s best to figure it out yourself. Really there isn’t a whole lot to the Maverick platform. I guess I just need to try again sometime. Got frustrated once and hate that little reg. lol. I ordered lighted magnifiers and spent 1 hour getting that tiny o ring back into the bottom of the reg. Didn’t even want to try the one in the gun body. I guess it’s just some guns are much easier than others. I probably need to get it down then would be a breeze.
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Airguns need lube. It should be common practice to put a drop of pure silicone oil in everytime you fill up. It keeps orings lubed. If you have not mobed the regulator in more than 3 months and decide, I am changing things, without any previous lubrication it will more than likely leak at the regulator. It is physics, nothing more. I only buy used and trade. If it is under warranty, send it in, but dont complain aboit it, if you have not educated yourself on the product. I currently own the following;
F/X Impact M3
Daystate Delta Wolf
Airmaks Katran
Reximex Meta
Evanix Rainstorm
I am not afraid to work on any of them, as long as my time permits.
Agreed. Should have clarified that my tolerance is low for OEM defects on expensive anything. And yes, a minimum comfort level with tinkering is ideal since the alternative is a very light wallet (or purse).

Failures or defects that occur due to not following maintenance instructions is squarely operator error.
Agreed. Should have clarified that my tolerance is low for OEM defects on expensive anything. And yes, a minimum comfort level with tinkering is ideal since the alternative is a very light wallet (or purse).

Failures or defects that occur due to not following maintenance instructions is squarely operator error.
Yep, my tolerance is low and I did everything I’m supposed to. It’s not unreasonable to expect a brand new rifle to work and not leak. Looks like I upset the FX guys, because my rifle leaked. The rifle was shipped leaking. When I got mine, FX USA closed 4 days later, I had to wait to find out who to even send it to, so I kept it and shot it with a very slow leak.

I fixed a leaky gauge and replaced the xring on the bottle gauge also. I tried to find the leak with CRC leak detector. My top rail was damaged when I received it also, got it replaced under warranty, no help from the dealer I purchased it from at all. It still leaked but always shot good and kept SD/ES under 2-10. Then the rifle let go. My FX experience has not been good so far.
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