Today's pro tip, I'm not a pro but I pretend a lot. First those little suckers are N90's so they are brittle as heck. Heat them up in boiling water to soften them a touch, put a dash of Mobil One or any quality synthetic on it and try to slip it on, you will break a few, they're cheap if you buy them in bulk, the first one goes on, then the second finally makes it, give them a touch more lube, heck if it moves, lube it, if it doesn't move, lube it anyway. DO not use N70's you'll be replacing them, a lot. I think XF has updated their drawings, I forget offhand. Oh and put the adjuster in upside down on the top housing, it's larger and easier to to handle to get the little beech 0-ring on.Yeah it’s true any airgun will need service and it’s best to figure it out yourself. Really there isn’t a whole lot to the Maverick platform. I guess I just need to try again sometime. Got frustrated once and hate that little reg. lol. I ordered lighted magnifiers and spent 1 hour getting that tiny o ring back into the bottom of the reg. Didn’t even want to try the one in the gun body. I guess it’s just some guns are much easier than others. I probably need to get it down then would be a breeze.
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