Memorial day weekend and a tribute to our armed forces, We the SVFTC take up arms against the steel quarry we know as field targets !!
Earlier than everyone else by a good 1/2 hour, Scott & Chris converge at the equipment storage area within minuets of one another. Block, targets and supply then transferred to range 9.
With the unknown of how many shooters we might draw out for the match the target set up position & size was handed off to Chris K so that when the crew starts shooting and has comment ... Lol, it was not the Match director fault for a change
That said the set up was different in that we had NO targets inside as i recall @ 14 yards, having many of the targets generally set inside 14 were now pushing distance to size limits making for several 40+ troyer or greater shots !!! The field of targets overall was modest to kinda hard as our target setter was setting up what seen as doable ? ... yea we'll see about that. Nice job Chris honestly.
The crew starts coming in about 7:30 as we're finishing up the course. Everyone gets signed in, score cards filled out they get clearance to practice on the paper, quadrant and personal targets. At 9:25 we clean up the field of practice targets and have our shooters / safety meeting. We get the match going @ 9:40 with 22 shooters on site !!
Today's match was 15 lanes, 2 targets per lane 1-14 having 3 bell targets in the offhand lane 15 position. As we have done in the past one can choose 1 offhand target and take it kneeling. This has today's match a 62 possible points.
RESULTS by Class & Shooter XX-62
Extreme Pistol ( 20 fpe )
Scott S 44
Hunter Piston
Fred b 30
WFTF Piston
Jim P 32
AJ 28
Lonnie S 50
Chang 44
Tak 16
Hunter PCP
Chris k 58 * High Match Score
Cameron W 54
Bill C 53
Conrad R 52
John D 48
Erick S 46
Joe B 46
Dane 43
Sam R 42
Kevin H 42
Marty G 39
Grant S 36
Alain D 32 * Our newest shooter
Jeff S 29
Weiye Z 27
So as it turns out our target setter ( Chris K ) did indeed set what was doable & proved it no doubt. The Ione winds slowly built all morning coming from the north tho starting switching left or right keeping all w/o wind flags on there rigs guessing or watching others in an attempt to keep knocking down the quarry of steel.
Match went on for 3+ hours with all in attendance having a good time. Only one cold line called early on for a target that would not fall finding a misplaced clamp to be the issue.
Weather was upper 50's as we start and by noon low 70's being just super comfortable and quite nice.
Post match the crew gets some lunch being pinwheel sandwiches, chips, drinks & cookies. All morning we had a bag of Fresh Cherries brought by Conrad ... Thanks as they were a big hit and gone by days end.
As a note: Sam R & Marty G have stepped up to handle the food & drink for the clubs benefit now and the SVFTC will continue to provide lunch & goodies for all participants in future SVFTC matches. Thank you guys !
This concludes the May 2024 SVFTC results. Thank you to all who came out & played FT. Caught up with old friends & helped out where they could.
Until next month where we meet once more at the Sac Valley Shooting center Range #9 on JUNE 23rd ... Be well & stay practiced as the steel quarry awaits your return
Scott Schneider
SVFTC Match Director
Earlier than everyone else by a good 1/2 hour, Scott & Chris converge at the equipment storage area within minuets of one another. Block, targets and supply then transferred to range 9.
With the unknown of how many shooters we might draw out for the match the target set up position & size was handed off to Chris K so that when the crew starts shooting and has comment ... Lol, it was not the Match director fault for a change

The crew starts coming in about 7:30 as we're finishing up the course. Everyone gets signed in, score cards filled out they get clearance to practice on the paper, quadrant and personal targets. At 9:25 we clean up the field of practice targets and have our shooters / safety meeting. We get the match going @ 9:40 with 22 shooters on site !!
Today's match was 15 lanes, 2 targets per lane 1-14 having 3 bell targets in the offhand lane 15 position. As we have done in the past one can choose 1 offhand target and take it kneeling. This has today's match a 62 possible points.
RESULTS by Class & Shooter XX-62
Extreme Pistol ( 20 fpe )
Scott S 44
Hunter Piston
Fred b 30
WFTF Piston
Jim P 32
AJ 28
Lonnie S 50
Chang 44
Tak 16
Hunter PCP
Chris k 58 * High Match Score
Cameron W 54
Bill C 53
Conrad R 52
John D 48
Erick S 46
Joe B 46
Dane 43
Sam R 42
Kevin H 42
Marty G 39
Grant S 36
Alain D 32 * Our newest shooter
Jeff S 29
Weiye Z 27
So as it turns out our target setter ( Chris K ) did indeed set what was doable & proved it no doubt. The Ione winds slowly built all morning coming from the north tho starting switching left or right keeping all w/o wind flags on there rigs guessing or watching others in an attempt to keep knocking down the quarry of steel.
Match went on for 3+ hours with all in attendance having a good time. Only one cold line called early on for a target that would not fall finding a misplaced clamp to be the issue.
Weather was upper 50's as we start and by noon low 70's being just super comfortable and quite nice.
Post match the crew gets some lunch being pinwheel sandwiches, chips, drinks & cookies. All morning we had a bag of Fresh Cherries brought by Conrad ... Thanks as they were a big hit and gone by days end.
As a note: Sam R & Marty G have stepped up to handle the food & drink for the clubs benefit now and the SVFTC will continue to provide lunch & goodies for all participants in future SVFTC matches. Thank you guys !
This concludes the May 2024 SVFTC results. Thank you to all who came out & played FT. Caught up with old friends & helped out where they could.
Until next month where we meet once more at the Sac Valley Shooting center Range #9 on JUNE 23rd ... Be well & stay practiced as the steel quarry awaits your return

Scott Schneider
SVFTC Match Director
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