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Results Meeker Sportsman Club 10th N50 match of the outdoor season, Marion, OH

Hi Tom,
Rick and I went to the Midwest Airgun Show in Columbus last month and he purchased a couple tins of the AA16s. During registration he told me that he brought those and JSB 16s to shoot. I didn't get a chance to talk with him afterwards to ask him which shot better but I will and get back to you. I do know that he was as frustrated with the wind as we were and was not using any flags. Yesterday he sent me pics of a flag that he had made to use in future matches.

Thanks Tim.

In my Revere, the FX Atomic 15.89 shoots groups and score cards a bit better than JSB ( or equivalent) 18.1 g. The N50 cards for the Revere .22 at factory set velocities from Daystate just don’t have enough power in my rifle. It’s fantastic out to 40 yards, but trying to get into the low to mid 240’s for N50 50 yard distances is difficult.

Will be curious to hear Rick’s velocity for the 16’s.
Todays weather was about as good as it gets at the Meeker Sportsman Club. We set a new record with 30 shooters showing up requiring 3 relays. Thanks to all the fine folks who pitched in to help make the match run very efficiently. There was some interest expressed of possibly holding a 6 card match in the near future so stay tuned for details.

A pair of Tikkas were on top of the CZs and Bergaras today proving they can hold their own against the other heavyweight factory guns. Congratulations to Craig Laird for his first ever podium finish too.

The top Pellet class shooters had their guns dialed in to score well even when the wind decided to rear its ugly head at Meeker.

Congratulations to Pro class shooter Mark Clemons who had the high overall score today.

We had a first today with an aggregate score and X tie for 3rd place in the Factory class. To break the tie we went back to their first cards and first bull. Both shooters had a 10 but Craig had an X and Diana didn’t so 3rd place was awarded to Craig. Had they both had the same score on bull one then we would have proceeded to the next bull and so on until we found whoever had the first miss to break the tie.

I made an error on Robert Steele’s score below. His first card was a 246-11X so he should have had a total 732-31X. My apology Robert for my fat fingered error. It should be corrected on the N50 AGG Line website scores though.

We held our 9th N50 Benchrest match today. We had a total of 29 shooters. The weather was warm but the wind was the most difficult it’s been at Meeker. Our winds are usually very challenging but today was on a whole new level. Flag tails were mostly horizontal and angled upwards at a 45* angle. Patience was certainly a virtue today if you could manage it?

Thanks to everyone who came out to help set up, tear down, score and run targets. And especially to the pellet shooters for even trying to shoot in today’s crazy conditions.

We tried the new N50 scoring software. Wow, this old guy had a tough time using it but I think it will be great after the bugs are worked out And my head stops spinning. Thanks to Lou, Joe, Mike and others for working in the background for making N50 even better.

Sportsman Pro Pellet Classes Meeker 8-17-2024.png
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Unbelievable scores for this level of wind. This blows my mind.

I would imagine some of the wind holds were on the target next to the shooter’s target. 😀

I know everyone is shooting slugs, but I keep expecting much lower scores dealing with this amount of wind speed at 50y.

All I can says that almost everyone here can really read the wind very well.

Hi Tom,

No one was shooting slugs, only pellets. The scores posted were from a screen shot from another shooters PC which he was using excel to back up my scoring on the new N50 Beta software. He invertedly listed the pellet shooters as shooting slugs, which is incorrect. ALL of us were shooting pellets only.

I'm working now to update the info. Thx for your patience.

Yes, many of my wind holds were into the adjacent box line :eek: Talk about making you pucker when pulling the trigger!
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I had him edit his excel file and remove the word slug and replace it with pellet. Its posted above. Hope that clarifies it better?

Gotcha, thanks Tim.

I rarely go to my local outdoor range if the wind is really blowing grater than 5 mph, so I have a real appreciation for the Meeker regular windy match conditions. Even more incredible is holding on an adjacent box line.

Your fortunate in that there are so many ‘air rifle’ shooters at all your matches. I am one of only two shooters that shoots an air rifle at my range, and the rest shoot .22LR or CF. The other ‘air rifle’ shooter normally brings his .22 LRs to the range.

For whatever reason, although there are plenty of airgun enthusiasts in NC, none of those shoot at my local range.
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