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Results Meeker Sportsman Club Final N50 match of the outdoor season, Marion, OH

Got cabin fever? Are you sick of winter? Tired of being cooped up inside as much as I am? Well join us this Saturday 4/6/2024 for our first outdoor 50 yard benchrest match of the season. Its a N50 event where air guns shoot side by side with .22 rimfire rifles. Registration begins at 10 and the match starts at 11AM. So bring your .22 rimfire or .177 - .30 air gun and join us for some much needed fun on the range. BTW, we've added 4 additional benches to our covered range so we have even more room than we did last year.

N50 Rules can be found here:
General 1 — National 50

General 1 — National 50​

The Meeker calendar can be found here listing events for the coming 2024 outdoor season:
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I agree with Tim. Not sure what the exact speed was but I would guess around a pretty steady 8-10 mph with gusts in the 11-13 range. The foliage hasn’t yet grown in and the trees were bare so there was nothing to block any of the wind. Either way I was shooting .30 cal and aiming 6 and 7 ring on the first card and Moved as far as aiming at the left box line on the last 2 cards. This range is notorious for the winds twitching from left to right and to right to left with very little notice. The one thing that was unusual was the direction of the winds and gusts stayed rather consistent.
I mistakenly listed @TargetOH rifle as a .22 while in fact he was using a .30. Sorry about that error.

Something that puzzles me about the last photos above is why does it take two hands for each of the powder burner guys to hold their award certificates while the pellet guys could hold those same certificates with one hand??? :unsure::unsure::unsure: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Maybe its all the time that we spend at the gym is finally paying off? :whistle::cool::ninja:
I mistakenly listed @TargetOH rifle as a .22 while in fact he was using a .30. Sorry about that error.

Something that puzzles me about the last photos above is why does it take two hands for each of the powder burner guys to hold their award certificates while the pellet guys could hold those same certificates with one hand??? :unsure::unsure::unsure: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Maybe its all the time that we spend at the gym is finally paying off? :whistle::cool::ninja:


What pellet were you shooting with the HPX? Assume JSB 25.39 shallow?
Hi Tom, @tommyb

I tried the "old" shallows at sight in but the 25.4 FX's shot much better in yesterdays conditions. I've not tried the new shallows or Grands yet.

Thanks Tim. FX 25.39 shoot well for me also.

I want to order some new shallows and Grands and try them in my RAW HM1000x. The Grands were out of stock almost everywhere.
So far, the grands have been just "OK" in the P3
not a moa killer, but may be better in other rifles ..i still need to try them in my RAW
Great shooting guys!!

Mike, let ‘s stay in touch on how the RAWs do with the Grands. I don’t have em’ yet, so let me know how they shoot. Thanks
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Today we had our 2nd N50 match of our season. Our range’s wind is always changing but it’s most common condition is L to R. Today was quite different in the wind was predominantly R to L or in your face. Today’s winds gave everyone fits and the scores reflected it, especially in the pellet class. My misses were always when the wind was in my face. I’d go over and shoot a few sighters and think I had the wind figured out only to get fooled when I made it back to the scoring bull. It was frustrating for others too.

So you may ask why did you shoot in that condition then? Because I’m an idiot and slow learner :mad: that’s why! Duh!

We held our 3rd N50 match of our outdoor season. We had a record turn out with 25 shooters enjoying the awesome and much needed break in the weather. Conditions were mild with 5-11 MPH winds but we still had some unwanted wind surprises.

Jeff Swartz showed up with the first Red Panda we have seen in person. It didn’t disappoint him as he took home first place in pellet class out of a field of 11 shooters. We had two in the pro class and 12 in the factory class.

We held our 3rd N50 match of our outdoor season. We had a record turn out with 25 shooters enjoying the awesome and much needed break in the weather. Conditions were mild with 5-11 MPH winds but we still had some unwanted wind surprises.

Jeff Swartz showed up with the first Red Panda we have seen in person. It didn’t disappoint him as he took home first place in pellet class out of a field of 11 shooters. We had two in the pro class and 12 in the factory class.

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Hello, in this competition were they using pellet or slug?

Is the caliber the 22?

I thought the score was very high, congratulations.
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@faelzimxds2 Everyone in the P or Pellet class were using factory produced diabolo pellets. The caliber for each person shooting in the pellet class is listed in the next column to the right.

The F or Factory class RF Rim Fire shooters were using .22 LR ammo. Same .22 LR ammo in the Pro class. See spreadsheet results below:

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Do they all compete on the same target with different calibers?

Did Red Panda compete with 30 caliber?