Member legit?

You don't, but if you check their feedback you may get an indication. Also if they offer payment through a secure means like Zelle, PayPal, or Venmo you probably will be ok. Stay away from send me a check and when it clears......etc and Money Order Only. Easy to get ripped off on both of those. Post Office won't bother to help you unless you have a written agreement and can prove they never shipped the item. Also for low dollar loss, they will laugh at you.
Unfortunately, it's difficult to know for sure if a member is not particularly active, because scammers are usually not very active members even though they can have had an account on here for awhile. I call those "sleeper" accounts. They intentionally sit on them for awhile in order to show credibility. But those are often 1-2 years old. 6-7 years would be a long time for a scammer to sit on an account, but it's possible.

Look at their feedback. That is usually a good indication of them being trustworthy if they have at least a few positives and no negatives. But a person can still get a negative even if they are trustworthy, there may have just been an issue with the sale and the buyer got pissed for whatever reason. But the number of positives should far outweigh the number of negatives.

Of course, an honest seller also could have no feedback yet...we all have to start somewhere. But in this case, they shouldn't try to start out by selling a high-value item with no feedback. It's on them to build up some feedback credibility by both buying some items and getting feedback that way, and also selling some lower-value items to build up their seller feedback. Just my opinion. But it's also my typical advice on that matter. Personally, I would not buy a $2,000 gun from a user with no feedback, but I would take the risk of buying a $100 part from them, if that makes sense.

You can also ask to speak to them on the phone or through facetime, etc. This can help to lower the risk. Also ask them to send you more pics of the item, pics that have their username and date written on a card in the pic.

And perhaps most importantly, if you feel there is risk, only pay via Paypal Goods and Services. This helps to ensure that you can get your money back if the person ends up being a scammer. But usually the scammer won't want you to pay via this method, so that can be your red flag right there.
Use a credit card with buyer protection and document, everything. American Express is THE BEST hands down. Skirting this advice makes any buyer vulnerable to being scammed.


You may want to read the fine print on your customer agreement, in 2019, vendors changed the agreement for credit cards to not include guns, gun accessories or ammunition.
You may want to read the fine print on your customer agreement, in 2019, vendors changed the agreement for credit cards to not include guns, gun accessories or ammunition.


LOL keep drinking that juice. Many of us use our credit cards for airguns, accessories and ammo, I have for years and will continue to.

If what you say had ANY truth to it, credit card vendors would NOT do business with PA, UA, or any gun stores...yet, they do.

And, I mentioned American Express because they're not a credit card, its a charge card with the best buyer protection. ;)

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LOL keep drinking that juice. Many of us use our credit cards for airguns, accessories and ammo, I have for years and will continue to.

If what you say had ANY truth to it, credit card vendors would NOT do business with PA, UA, or any gun stores...yet, they do.

And, I mentioned American Express because they're not a credit card, its a charge card ;)


Thanks for the update on the gun code. Good to know.

No need to be a jerk, just post your findings, nobody is trying to win anything here.
Be very weary of old / inactive accounts. On several occasions we've seen accounts that were inactive for years suddenly responding to WTB ads. In many cases we've found that their email address has been compromised and subsequently sending a password reset is pointless as the scammer already has access to their email account (likely because the same weak password was used across different accounts and leaked/sold on the dark web).

If anyone comes across an account in question please go to the users profile > more options > REPORT > add notes.

Thank you
Let's be done, I got it. The person that replied to my want to buy ad. wanted payment through other methods not available to me. I offered personal check and ship when cleared. And was declined. No problem. I have a tx200 and although it is really nice I just can't get it. I have 3 97's with no hang ups. So am thinking I would find the Pro-Sport more to my liking over theTX. So that is why I started this post.
You don't, but if you check their feedback you may get an indication. Also if they offer payment through a secure means like Zelle, PayPal, or Venmo you probably will be ok. Stay away from send me a check and when it clears......etc and Money Order Only. Easy to get ripped off on both of those. Post Office won't bother to help you unless you have a written agreement and can prove they never shipped the item. Also for low dollar loss, they will laugh at you.
Just a quick clarification, and by no means a criticism @CharlieF
Venmo , Zelle, and PayPal Friends & Family, although legitimate ways to pay someone, are not secure for the sender.
Both are one-way streets,
When the money is sent there is no recourse.
It is in the seller's hands, and it is not coming back
Just like a USPS Money Order.

FWIW, my too cents
(no refund expected)
Let's be done, I got it. The person that replied to my want to buy ad. wanted payment through other methods not available to me. I offered personal check and ship when cleared. And was declined. No problem. I have a tx200 and although it is really nice I just can't get it. I have 3 97's with no hang ups. So am thinking I would find the Pro-Sport more to my liking over theTX. So that is why I started this post.

Yea, understandably for the seller, this is not a secure method for payment for them. Hope you understand their perspective. It's just the times we live in.

Best of luck on your search if you continue.

One of the things I look at is their location. If it just says US or nothing then it makes me a little hesitant to deal with them. If I'm buying something from you then I want to know where you're located and ideally who you actually are, especially if you have no feedback. If someone's within 100 miles of me then I'll probably be willing to do a person to person deal.

I think there's also a sticky thread located somewhere with the names and addresses of known scammers on it. I'd want to check that out and I'd be wary of anyone with similar names or nearby locations.
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One of the things I look at is their location. If it just says US or nothing then it makes me a little hesitant to deal with them. If I'm buying something from you then I want to know where you're located and ideally who you actually are, especially if you have no feedback. If someone's within 100 miles of me then I'll probably be willing to do a person to person deal.

I think there's also a sticky thread located somewhere with the names and addresses of known scammers on it. I'd want to check that out and I'd be wary of anyone with similar names or nearby locations.
I agreed, members should be required to post up their actual locations. Myself? I use my “real” name and you can see my location in my profile… Nothing hidden. I understand “handles” but location should be a “known” between AGN embers.
Venmo or Apple Pay

Ah, both would accept credit card, apple pay is 100% legit with no fees, but Venmo does charge 3%.

Both are legit for goods and services, so long as the Venmo is through an authorized business OR the payment is able to be tagged as goods and services, then you would have re-course in the event of a scam.

Just a FYI for OP or any other reader.

So, imo, the guy may have been a scammer, but you would have 100% had recourse using such methods with a credit card/charge card and he would have failed any attempts at running off with your money without fulfilling the goods on his end

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With the issues, why doesn't someone setup an "Escrow/Transfer Service"? The seller sends the Rifle to the E/TS, and the seller sends the E/TS the funds. Once they meet up at the E/TS, they will send the rifle to the buyer and the money onto the seller.

Now what's a service like that worth? I would think it depends on the time required to complete and ship things. - $20 - $40????
