MERO Ballistic Program QUESTION

Also, have you tried here for MERO help? It appears that there is an updated version from the one that I am using, so I'm gonna grab that too!
Hmmm....looks like V2.3.6 is the latest, but I have V1.2.4 and it has the wind indicator on the reticle.
You tap the "Wind Speed" button and enter the Speed, then it switches to "Wind Angle", enter the angle and it will show on the reticle as a Purple dot with the trajectory.

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Also, have you tried here for MERO help? It appears that there is an updated version from the one that I am using, so I'm gonna grab that too!
Hmmm....looks like V2.3.6 is the latest, but I have V1.2.4 and it has the wind indicator on the reticle.
You tap the "Wind Speed" button and enter the Speed, then it switches to "Wind Angle", enter the angle and it will show on the reticle as a Purple dot with the trajectory.

Thanks. Mike
It looks as if I've screwed the pooch.
All attempts to download the latest version (V2.3.6) have resulted in my computer's security finding the files virus laden and has blocked/quarantined them
I trust Microsoft Defender and am not sure if it is safe to find a work around

Not asking/expecting you to have a solution
Just updating

Edward ---==---
I too tried to upload the V2.3.6 without success. Perhaps my system detected what yours did, I'm not sure.
None the less, the current version V1.2.4, has the wind hold included, so if you have downloaded that version, you should be good.

Hi Mike
As you can tell I am new to Mero
When I downloaded it for the first time a day or so ago, I got a version that was not V2.3.6.
All I had to do was tell my browser that it was a trusted program, and the download went without a hitch.
Then while playing around in the program a pop-up box advised that I should close the program and download V2.6.3
That's when the trouble started, and Microsoft Defender found it to be full of viruses

So, as @TN_Yankee has suggested I will contact the developer.

I will also do a search to find earlier version, including the V1.2.4 you mentioned.

And provide updates on the progress.
Hopefully without bitchin-&-moanin'

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All working now!
Both the program and the windage.
I contacted Dave Eades (Harrys Lad) the guru of Mero,
He looked at my problem and uploaded 2 different iterations of Mero for Windows for me to try
V2.3.5 was found acceptable to my Windows Defender security and loaded easily
And then in looking at all the Mero features and tools found the windage problem
Windage is not displayed in the Reticle View tool but in the Visualizations Tool View.

Thanks to each of you for chiming in with advice.
I hope the solution as found will be helpful to others.


No bitchin" & moanin'
Something must be wrong!
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"He looked at my problem and uploaded 2 different iterations of Mero for Windows for me to try
V2.3.5 was found acceptable to my Windows Defender security and loaded easily"
Where did Dave Eades upload the acceptable V2.3.5, please?

He sent them to me in my email.
I don't think posting them here would be a problem, but I would like to ask his permission first
Will message him right now.
For all
Here is a link to Mero v2.3.5 for Windows
David Eades (HarrysLad) was good enough to send it to me as I was having the troubles mentioned above loading V2.3.6
And he has agreed to allow sharing of the link.

If you install this, please go to
And toggle OFF check for updates on startup

David is also interested in learning if others attempting to install V2.3.6 in Windows are having issues.
Don't be too surprised if he pops in here at AGN

Hope this helps
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For all
Here is a link to Mero v2.3.5 for Windows
David Eades (HarrysLad) was good enough to send it to me as I was having the troubles mentioned above loading V2.3.6
And he has agreed to allow sharing of the link.

If you install this, please go to
And toggle OFF check for updates on startup

David is also interested in learning if others attempting to install V2.3.6 in Windows are having issues.
Don't be too surprised if he pops in here at AGN

Hope this helps

Good evening Edward, gents...

Here at last but they don't make it easy, do they? The confirmation emails went straight into the bin. Apparently my Mac thought they were spam and I only found them by accident.

Anyway, to business.

1) I'm the original author of the (sadly now defunct) ChairGun software but I'm not the original author of MERO. My long-time friend and associate George Conway (no, not that George Conway!) past away a year ago and I've taken on the development.

2) Windage can be viewed in several ways:

a) as a plot (with or without) an auxiliary table of deflection v. Range by selecting "Plots and Graphs" from the "Display" menu, right-clicking on the graph to raise the popup menu and selecting the top or middle items from the "Wind Drift..." sub menu.

b) on the "Scope Cap Label" display by right-clicking on the graph and selecting the "Label LHS" item and selecting the "Wind Drift" option

c) as b) but after selecting the "Range Card" display

d) from the "Visualisation" display (uses the Wind Speed and Wind Angle as set in the relevant data input textboxes. Remember to set the Inclination angle to zero!

Note that right-clicking on things is the gateway to many of the menus and features, etc.

All of this refers to the desktop MacOS, Linux and Windows MERO versions of course.
An Android version also exists but, apart from the totally unnecessary maintenance that Goggle inflicts on me with sickening regularity, I've yet to really get my head around that.

As Edward mentioned above, I'm really interested in the false positive (alleged) virus experiences of other users. Please let me know if you have a problem or if I can help.

Windows isn't my first (or even second) choice of O/S although I always test each new MERO iteration on WIN10(32/64bit), WIN11 and Ubuntu virtual machines on my Mac and I've never seen a problem before. Do any of you Windows enthusiasts/gurus know what I'm doing wrong (or right)?

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Welcome to a great Forum. Tons of information here, including this post.
I had a minor issue with my Windows stating that "The program could contain viruses." and not recommended to open. I simply clicked open anyway (keep on my screen) and it opened no sweat. Looks great.
However, I cannot open the program on my Android phone, it won't allow it (that's what I use when hunting in the field of course) and states "Can't Open".
Seems like you might possibly be working towards a fix once you get your head around that?
Thanks for all that you do to keep this app alive!


Welcome to a great Forum. Tons of information here, including this post.
I had a minor issue with my Windows stating that "The program could contain viruses." and not recommended to open. I simply clicked open anyway (keep on my screen) and it opened no sweat. Looks great.
However, I cannot open the program on my Android phone, it won't allow it (that's what I use when hunting in the field of course) and states "Can't Open".
Seems like you might possibly be working towards a fix once you get your head around that?
Thanks for all that you do to keep this app alive!

Hi Mike,

WRT Android, it depends on which version of Android the 'phone's running.
As I alluded above, Google insists that current app version will run on the latest Android version. The problem is that every new Android version implements numerous (sometimes dubious) additions, features, changes and depreciation that can/usually involves a great deal of effort for very little reward. Unfortunately, the nature of this process sometimes means that the individual apps will no long run on older hardware/Android versions.
All part of the evil empire's plot to get you to buy a new 'phone! :rolleyes:

What Android version are you running?
Have you tried downloading a fresh copy from the Play Store?

Currently, MERO should run on all Android 'phones having versions between API 22 - "Lollipop" and API 35 - Android 15 "Vanilla Ice Cream"


Welcome to a great Forum. Tons of information here, including this post.
I had a minor issue with my Windows stating that "The program could contain viruses." and not recommended to open. I simply clicked open anyway (keep on my screen) and it opened no sweat. Looks great.
However, I cannot open the program on my Android phone, it won't allow it (that's what I use when hunting in the field of course) and states "Can't Open".
Seems like you might possibly be working towards a fix once you get your head around that?
Thanks for all that you do to keep this app alive!

Are you trying to run the Windows installer on your android phone? That's not going to work of course.

Good evening Edward, gents...

Here at last but they don't make it easy, do they? The confirmation emails went straight into the bin. Apparently my Mac thought they were spam and I only found them by accident.

Anyway, to business.

1) I'm the original author of the (sadly now defunct) ChairGun software but I'm not the original author of MERO. My long-time friend and associate George Conway (no, not that George Conway!) past away a year ago and I've taken on the development.

2) Windage can be viewed in several ways:

a) as a plot (with or without) an auxiliary table of deflection v. Range by selecting "Plots and Graphs" from the "Display" menu, right-clicking on the graph to raise the popup menu and selecting the top or middle items from the "Wind Drift..." sub menu.

b) on the "Scope Cap Label" display by right-clicking on the graph and selecting the "Label LHS" item and selecting the "Wind Drift" option

c) as b) but after selecting the "Range Card" display

d) from the "Visualisation" display (uses the Wind Speed and Wind Angle as set in the relevant data input textboxes. Remember to set the Inclination angle to zero!

Note that right-clicking on things is the gateway to many of the menus and features, etc.

All of this refers to the desktop MacOS, Linux and Windows MERO versions of course.
An Android version also exists but, apart from the totally unnecessary maintenance that Goggle inflicts on me with sickening regularity, I've yet to really get my head around that.

As Edward mentioned above, I'm really interested in the false positive (alleged) virus experiences of other users. Please let me know if you have a problem or if I can help.

Windows isn't my first (or even second) choice of O/S although I always test each new MERO iteration on WIN10(32/64bit), WIN11 and Ubuntu virtual machines on my Mac and I've never seen a problem before. Do any of you Windows enthusiasts/gurus know what I'm doing wrong (or right)?

If the installer and executable(s) aren't digitally signed you're always going to have some friction. Been a while since I've developed on the Windows desktop so I'm not sure where to point you to get a signing cert.