Air Arms Messing Around

For the past two weeks I have been touching on the TX200 #3.
The free one in Walnut.
It didn’t want to cock.
Scott (Motörhead) said the piston rod had to be adjusted.
He was right.
So, today, I took TX200 #2 (beech) out for a few so I would be ready for my 50% on Sunday’s FT match at Diablo.
I finished with the cards at 9.5 yards in the garage at 8X, offhand.
I didn’t cut any but I came close.
Not too bad for a wobbly old codger at 79:


For the past two weeks I have been touching on the TX200 #3.
The free one in Walnut.
It didn’t want to cock.
Scott (Motörhead) said the piston rod had to be adjusted.
He was right.
So, today, I took TX200 #2 (beech) out for a few so I would be ready for my 50% on Sunday’s FT match at Diablo.
I finished with the cards at 9.5 yards in the garage at 8X, offhand.
I didn’t cut any but I came close.
Not too bad for a wobbly old codger at 79:

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That's impressive no matter what the age is.✅💯
We used to do the card cut at our muzzleloading matches in the 70s. We used it at two and three day regional matches in the evening before the last day. Also when there was no breeze in the evening there was a candle match. A dollar per shot. Winner took all. But in the state of Misery rarely is there a quiet night, no breeze. Lots of fun though. If you didn't camp out at the range, you missed lots of fun and socializing. We allowed alcohol only after the range closed. And there was never a time we had to manhandle someone too far into their cups, probably a good thing I don't drink. AND NOW BACK TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMMING! Be Well Brothers, Bandito.
For the past two weeks I have been touching on the TX200 #3.
The free one in Walnut.
It didn’t want to cock.
Scott (Motörhead) said the piston rod had to be adjusted.
He was right.
So, today, I took TX200 #2 (beech) out for a few so I would be ready for my 50% on Sunday’s FT match at Diablo.
I finished with the cards at 9.5 yards in the garage at 8X, offhand.
I didn’t cut any but I came close.
Not too bad for a wobbly old codger at 79:

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my cards would have all 4 cards with one pellet shot .😎😎😊 (yes one shot not edge /in a stack. (for those that didn't assume that .)
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