So, I went outside to test my Hatsan 135 .30 with a newly installed Vortek piston seal and fresh de-burring,cleaning and polishing. I put 30 shots over my Competition Electronics chrony and so here you go...
This would seem Great shooting the JSB 44.75's But!! This was done using with their 50.15's!! I didnt want to bore everyone with every single number but I had 4 sets of duplicate velocities and 1 triplicate! Once I finished with the chrony, I fine tuned and fiddled with the UTG 3-12X40 and got to the point of hitting acorn size targets 8 outta 10 times from 20 to about 25 yds. Pretty happy at this point!
This would seem Great shooting the JSB 44.75's But!! This was done using with their 50.15's!! I didnt want to bore everyone with every single number but I had 4 sets of duplicate velocities and 1 triplicate! Once I finished with the chrony, I fine tuned and fiddled with the UTG 3-12X40 and got to the point of hitting acorn size targets 8 outta 10 times from 20 to about 25 yds. Pretty happy at this point!