Mid 40's here in Michigan today.

So, I went outside to test my Hatsan 135 .30 with a newly installed Vortek piston seal and fresh de-burring,cleaning and polishing. I put 30 shots over my Competition Electronics chrony and so here you go...
This would seem Great shooting the JSB 44.75's But!! This was done using with their 50.15's!! I didnt want to bore everyone with every single number but I had 4 sets of duplicate velocities and 1 triplicate! Once I finished with the chrony, I fine tuned and fiddled with the UTG 3-12X40 and got to the point of hitting acorn size targets 8 outta 10 times from 20 to about 25 yds. Pretty happy at this point!
A few pics. I refinished it with Minwax dark walnut stain followed with 5 coats of Minwax Antique Oil.
Thanks Matt! I'm right up in the Midland area on the outskirts of town. I was having so much fun shooting that walleye fishing out on Saginaw Bay (Which I do a Lot) didn't even cross my mind! It was a big sloppy mess anyway,so we said screw it. Really impressed with this big Hatsan! I was apprehensive about buying it at 1st,but i love to tinker and after watching Steve's review on AEAC about the 135 .30 more times than I care to admit (It's All His Fault!)...I picked one up. These rifles Really respond well to a little "TLC"! Since I had it totally disassembled, I decided to remove the original somewhat fragile stock finish and apply my own. Really made the Turkish walnut look nice,at least to me. I gotta say, every time I hear Rick Eustler or anyone else say "Turkish Walnut", I think of Riccardo Montabalm trying to pitch "Fine Corinthian Leather" on the old Chrysler Cordoba. Thanks Again and take care!
Turkish walnut can be dark with bold grain character...but this light lame version is all we get for the most part. Light colored when 2 layers of stain are removed. Here's an example of a 95 stock I'm redoing;

​ Also of interest is that my Trail .25 got a best of 858/32.55 with the 19.91gr H&N FTT. 50% of the group shots were over 30. So the FPE is close on the two, but mine has a bit more velocity. At around $300 or so, not bad either way.
And what a fellow GTA member showed me in a thread on modding my Striker;
 Thanks for the kind words Jon! I also got some similar results with my Turkish Patriot,minus the stock refinishing. Used the same Vortek piston seal and swapped out the stock spring Tom had,as well. The Patriot is a .22 and is kinda front heavy and feels Huge compared to the 135 .30 I may be selling it in the future,it just has an awkward feel..to me.