Mint .177 Daystate MK4 Paltinum Limited Edition - Should I get it?

So I stopped by my local airgun store and spotted a new rifle on the used guns shelf. The gun is a mint and i mean MINT condition 177 DayState Mk4 Platinum Limited Edition. The rifle is absolutely flawless and has no signs of ever being shot. The price is $2200. I have always wanted one of these rare rifles and never thought I would actually come across one for sale, let alone in mint unused condition. I don't know what to do as I just moved and have dropped a lot of money on furniture and appliances so now isn't the optimal time to go buying another air rifle. I asked about trading in my .22 Air Wolf Tactical but still come up $450 short.

Should I go for it or pass?


  • Year Produced: 2010
  • Total Made: 100
  • Original Price: $3200+
  • Stock: Custom Gary Cane solid wood stock with silver finish, adjustable cheek rest and hamster
  • Barrel: Anshutz
  • Trigger: Match Trigger, fully adjustable
  • Other: Platinum color breech, air cylinder, and shroud

I test fired the rifle using 10.34 gr JSB pellets. I shot two over the chronograph and both registered 899 fps @ 18.56 fpe. I didn't take pictures of the actual rifle being sold but here are some I from the Internet of the Mk4 Platinum:



The one for sale is No 75, the one in the pic is No. 46
If you shoot FT - YES. If not, I would keep the Wolf.

I own a .177 MK4 Target (same stock finish as your Wolf tactical). It is a laser with 10.2's and 8.4's on high and low power - every bit as accurate at the .22 Daystates. But, it is not a gun I use for anything except target shooting. I know it's pretty....and unique....But, if you need the gun to knock down pests, stick with your wolf, or you will wind up with a beautiful, unique dust collector.
Scott, you are not really a hunter, are you? I try not to be a gun hoarder, if I have the money, I buy, if I don't, I don't buy. I have passed on several guns now, but I couldn't pass on the Falcon Pistol…….. it's just too cool. If you really think you are going to use it and you have the money, then go for it. If you don't, (think you will use it or have the cash)then don't. I am sure another cool gun will come along! Hope this helps