So I stopped by my local airgun store and spotted a new rifle on the used guns shelf. The gun is a mint and i mean MINT condition 177 DayState Mk4 Platinum Limited Edition. The rifle is absolutely flawless and has no signs of ever being shot. The price is $2200. I have always wanted one of these rare rifles and never thought I would actually come across one for sale, let alone in mint unused condition. I don't know what to do as I just moved and have dropped a lot of money on furniture and appliances so now isn't the optimal time to go buying another air rifle. I asked about trading in my .22 Air Wolf Tactical but still come up $450 short.
Should I go for it or pass?
I test fired the rifle using 10.34 gr JSB pellets. I shot two over the chronograph and both registered 899 fps @ 18.56 fpe. I didn't take pictures of the actual rifle being sold but here are some I from the Internet of the Mk4 Platinum:
The one for sale is No 75, the one in the pic is No. 46

Should I go for it or pass?
- Year Produced: 2010
- Total Made: 100
- Original Price: $3200+
- Stock: Custom Gary Cane solid wood stock with silver finish, adjustable cheek rest and hamster
- Barrel: Anshutz
- Trigger: Match Trigger, fully adjustable
- Other: Platinum color breech, air cylinder, and shroud
I test fired the rifle using 10.34 gr JSB pellets. I shot two over the chronograph and both registered 899 fps @ 18.56 fpe. I didn't take pictures of the actual rifle being sold but here are some I from the Internet of the Mk4 Platinum:

The one for sale is No 75, the one in the pic is No. 46