N/A Mobile Air Pack

What are the envisioned scenarios for such a setup? For me personally and in practice having a nearby HPA source has only “applied” when plinking or target shooting. But afield? My 30-33 shot count pesting machines are plenty for a session. Getting over 30 opportunities? A rare thing indeed for the majority. I personally wouldn’t care to carry the extra weight and am a fit individual… A solution in search of a problem… If my pesting was that “intense” a high shot count bottle gun…🙈 Horses for courses…🙏
What are the envisioned scenarios for such a setup? For me personally and in practice having a nearby HPA source has only “applied” when plinking or target shooting. But afield? My 30-33 shot count pesting machines are plenty for a session. Getting over 30 opportunities? A rare thing indeed for the majority. I personally wouldn’t care to carry the extra weight and am a fit individual… A solution in search of a problem… If my pesting was that “intense” a high shot count bottle gun…🙈 Horses for courses…🙏
This pack is perfect for carry loads of stuff down to my range in one trip. I used to make several trips with bulkier gear but I found that a 97 cu-ft tank was a bit overkill, unless I was doing hours of testing/shooting.

2L is enough to refill most of my Airguns for all the testing I want to do in the Texas heat. Plus the pack holds a water bottle/bladder, and has a bunch of pockets for everything else: pellets, lens cleaning wipe, barrel cleaning kit, field notebook, magazines, tools, sunscreen, small med kit, camera gear, etc. Essentially, the pack carries everything I need.

Most of my Airguns are low-medium power and are fairly efficient. However, some of them (take for example a Leshiy 2) need to be filled more often than others 😎

I believe this pack would also lend itself nicely to someone who wanted to do some slug hunting with a mid-high power airgun that consumes a bit more air.

It’s definitely not for everyone, but I love it!