Who has modded a crosman 760 to kind of look like the pic? I figure it's the cheapest rifle to chop down to pistol grip, easy to get a shorter barrel, etc. I'd be using open sights; this would be would occasions like I just had. Dark, but light from a nearby street light is enough to see critters in the yard. Saw a few small raccoons [i've seen big ones, but not this year]by the alley. Not more than 10 feet away and only scampered off after closing half the distance on them. Now I'm thinking if I can get that close; slap a buck-rail.com can on her and they might not even know I was there....anyway...the 760 packs the right punch for what price its at and what i want to do. Just wondering if anyone else has ventured down this chute of the rabbit hole?.....thoughts?