Who has modded a crosman 760 to kind of look like the pic? I figure it's the cheapest rifle to chop down to pistol grip, easy to get a shorter barrel, etc. I'd be using open sights; this would be would occasions like I just had. Dark, but light from a nearby street light is enough to see critters in the yard. Saw a few small raccoons [i've seen big ones, but not this year]by the alley. Not more than 10 feet away and only scampered off after closing half the distance on them. Now I'm thinking if I can get that close; slap a buck-rail.com can on her and they might not even know I was there....anyway...the 760 packs the right punch for what price its at and what i want to do. Just wondering if anyone else has ventured down this chute of the rabbit hole?.....thoughts?

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Have a couple stuck away myself, want to do a little short barrel rifle. Have some rifled 177 barrels and a rifled 22 barrel I want to put on them too.

I'm thinking just chop down and file the butt stock[make it smooth n such] just chop down the barrel and slap the buck-rail.com suppressor on it🤷‍♂️ and most likely the cheapest red dot there is...🤣 going extremely low budget 🤌🤑 might even just find a way to stick a post on front and aim shotgun style bc the can will be too tall.for factory irons. Oooor get those little $12 red dots from daisy or whoever 😆 I am not afraid or ashamed of using cheap stuff🤪
Who has modded a crosman 760 to kind of look like the pic? I figure it's the cheapest rifle to chop down to pistol grip, easy to get a shorter barrel, etc. I'd be using open sights; this would be would occasions like I just had. Dark, but light from a nearby street light is enough to see critters in the yard. Saw a few small raccoons [i've seen big ones, but not this year]by the alley. Not more than 10 feet away and only scampered off after closing half the distance on them. Now I'm thinking if I can get that close; slap a buck-rail.com can on her and they might not even know I was there....anyway...the 760 packs the right punch for what price its at and what i want to do. Just wondering if anyone else has ventured down this chute of the rabbit hole?.....thoughts?

View attachment 308855
Not recommended for shooting coons unless you just want to hurt them or piss them off.. It won't work for a club either. Gonna have to fork over a little more money. Perhaps a Benjamin /Sheridan pumper or a .22 springer.
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Not recommended for shooting coons unless you just want to hurt them or piss them off.. It won't work for a club either. Gonna have to fork over a little more money. Perhaps a Benjamin /Sheridan pumper or a .22 springer.
It's mainly a "scare em off" and not alert the neighbor slinger 😅
Doubt I'd actually take the shot on a raccoon and think that it would do much with this slinger. But I bet if I did; that raccoon wouldn't stick around for me to get another chance ever again🥴🤣🤙