Hi all
I’m getting a mod for my .25 cal rifle and was told they only have .30 cal in stock. I’ve heard about people buying ”one size up” to avoid baffle strikes etc, but is the difference in sound moderation worth waiting on the correct caliber? I’ve never used a mod before so very curious about all this… there’s no need to be whisper whisper quiet but I would like to take a bit of bark out of this rti p3
thank you!
I’m getting a mod for my .25 cal rifle and was told they only have .30 cal in stock. I’ve heard about people buying ”one size up” to avoid baffle strikes etc, but is the difference in sound moderation worth waiting on the correct caliber? I’ve never used a mod before so very curious about all this… there’s no need to be whisper whisper quiet but I would like to take a bit of bark out of this rti p3
thank you!