• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

Moderator changes POI

My pcp is dead on target at 30 yards and groups great without the moferator. With the moderator, my pcp is dead on target at 30 yards and groups great. BUT removing or adding changes the POI by over 4 inches at only 30 yards. This makes no sense to me. A small change yes but 4 inches at 30 yards is extreme. I am wondering if anyone else has a big change and WHY is the movment so large. I would say is cliping or some way misaligned BUT it shoots just as good with or without the moverator BUT with a 4 inch difference.
If the barrel is floated in anyway, even within a shroud and held by any o-ring, there is a very high chance you will see some sort of POI drift when adding a moderator, primarily from added barrel droop.

Heck, just tightening/loosening many guns shrouds a minor bit will change the POI.

Also, different weight moderators or removing them is changing the harmonic frequency during your shot cycle, even if it were 100% rigid.

My pcp is dead on target at 30 yards and groups great without the moferator. With the moderator, my pcp is dead on target at 30 yards and groups great. BUT removing or adding changes the POI by over 4 inches at only 30 yards. This makes no sense to me. A small change yes but 4 inches at 30 yards is extreme. I am wondering if anyone else has a big change and WHY is the movment so large. I would say is cliping or some way misaligned BUT it shoots just as good with or without the moverator BUT with a 4 inch difference.
On the BK and the delta wold they have the barel tensioner.

I am not clipping but my groups open up with a zero DB .30 and it is noticeable at 25 yards. Poi shift is negligible but also there too.
See if they have something like that for your gun. Also, if you have more barrel length than you really need for your purposes you could try a shorter barrel.
Hopefully I will get my answer by reading yours.
I have a curious question.
When removing and replacing the moderator a few times in a row--
Does the POI shift remain exactly inn the same spot each time the moderator is replaced?

Hope I am asking this clearly

With higher end real surpressors on real guns that is exactly what you expect, you want your surpressor clocked exactly the same way when they are put on and exactly as tight.

That is not what I am seeing with my zero DB .30. groups open and get inconsistent with each attachment and reattachment.

That's a good question, though. Very few people think of this when they buy cans of course one way around it is to never take it off I have a surefire that is direct thread and never been cleaned.