• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

Moderator for fx impact

Silent Thunder Ordnance Pugio or Falx.

I have both they work extremely well.
IMHO they improved accuracy because of the way they divert air away from the projectile.
What is the best moderator for fx impact?
There is no best, and how it performs depends on a lot of factors… including your expectations… This goes for any gun.

When I had my Impacts, I just used the cheap empty version that came with it. It did a good enough job compared to the others I had to test at the time.

Like @Impact701, my last couple rifles (not impacts) have preferred (for quietness and accuracy) either the Falx or Pugio that I have on hand.

You are usually splitting hairs between moderator sounds, and you would probably be happy with anything you put on there. I have deferred to accuracy above all else when choosing, because the sound difference usually isn’t enough to notice or make me care.
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like stated above there is no BEST moderator it all depends on application what may be quiet on one will be louder on another
another thing to consider is power level once you get into 60 70 fpe range you will definitely hear what works.
the stock fx mod works very well for a hollow can it's also light both Donny Ryu and Yoko are nice buy heavy i had poi issues with both
they were also 25 Cal for a 22 as that is what Donny fl recommended so throw their caliber specific video out the window.
called impulse air talked to Scott told him my application 1350 is now on the gun and for .22 4db quieter than both Donny's and 1/2 the weight.
best thing poi is tighter at 100 yds dime size groups now that is how a mod should be.