molecular sieve inside filter bad?

I hear its bad to just put molecular sieve inside those gold filter. And they claim it will rust the wall and explode. Is that possible? I just take out the white cotton filers and dump in some molecular sieve, pack it tight and seal it up. Is that a bad thing or the people just paranoid, making it more than what it really is. Or they just wanna sell their overprice product. What do you think.
Oxidized carbon steel dust + Aluminum dust = "Thermite Reaction" . . .

Ahhhh! Runnnn! 🤣 

Seriously though ^^^

But no, you don't have to worry about anything like that when using molecular sieve in the aluminum tube.. 
Some people have placed a thin walled plastic tube/sleeve inside to separate the two, but, 
I don't see where it's really needed. Just as long as the pellets aren't just rattling around..

I'm using a multi-chamber setup consisting of Molecular Sieve and Silica Gel Desiccant.. 
Alternating the two - sandwiched in between shortened layers/sections of the cotton filters.. 

Which reminds me - I need to finish my setup, and change the oil in my comp. 


Sam -
Ok thanks guys. Just wanted to confirm. Been hearing from folks and also that JB guy who sells the great white tanks and alpha filter. He claim using molecular sieve/dessiccant in aluminum filter is a time bomb waiting to kill you. I know hpa is dangerous but some people make it out to be more than it really is. Like how many folks been kill by a Chinese gold filter vs being kill by a car. Yet we still get in our car and drive every day.

A seller of a $400 filter competing with an $80 one providing the same protection is not an unbiased source of facts. How much neglect does it take for a nearly quarter inch thick anodized aluminum cylinder to corrode to the point of failure? Filter owners periodically inspect them and replace the desiccant. In the unlikely event that a filter is totally neglected it won't build pressure then suddenly detonate. It will leak under pressure long before it is a danger. It is common for hucksters, used car salesmen, and pushy telemarketers to use uncorroborated claims as scare tactics to justify a high price. No certified testing lab or recognized scientific source publishes warnings for industrial users that zeolite desiccant attacks metal after it becomes moist. The desiccant bead air channeling claim is also pseudo-science. A manufacturers desiccant filter cartridge is packed no tighter than a home packed filter compressed with tampon end pads. Air channeling is prevented by tightly packing zeolite 4X8 or 8X12 desiccant beads. Compress the beads by screwing the end caps tightly against 1" cut sections of round tampon material that is included with a filter. The best solution for new buyers is the gold filter that includes a repackable cartridge. Tuxing sells them for $82 shipped from within the U.S on Ebay or Aliexpress.